WindSE is a python package that uses a FEniCS backend to perform wind farm simulations and optimization. Documentation can be found at:
In order to use WindSE, the python version fenics 2018.1.0 or later must be installed along with a compatible version of dolfin-adjoint. WindSE can be installed by downloading the source files from the GitHub ( and running the command:
pip install -e .
in the root folder.
If you want to use the latest version or just want to setup the environment manually, follow these steps. After conda is installed, create a new environment using:
conda create --name <enviroment_name>
You can replace the name <enviroment_name> with a different name for the environment if you want. Next we activate the environment using:
source activate <enviroment_name>
or whatever you named your environment. Now we need to install the dependent packages using:
conda install -c conda-forge fenics=2018.1.0 dolfin-adjoint mshr matplotlib scipy pyyaml
Finally, download/clone the WindSE repo and run:
pip install -e .
in the root folder (where is located).
The package is availible on conda-forge. To install conda check out this link: Conda Installation.. Then WindSE automatically be setup using:
conda create --name <enviroment_name>
source activate <enviroment_name>
conda install -c conda-forge windse