To use this software you need a special version of HADDOCK. See for that the README file under the HADDOCK2.3-nmol directory.
The additional scripts to perform analysis and model selection in the HADDOCK2.3-nmol framework are located under analysis_scripts
See the README file in that directory.
Starting structures, restraints files, and final models for each benchmark case are given under
the respective folder in cases/
. Each case also contains an example new.html
and instructions about specific HADDOCK parameter settings.
Finally, statistics within this framework are calculated using Matlab, although in principle any other statistics toolkit/programming language can be used instead.
If you use this software in your work, please cite us:
Karaca, E., Rodrigues, J.P.G.L.M., Graziadei, A., Bonvin, A.M.J.J., and Carlomagno, T. (2017). M3: an integrative framework for structure determination of molecular machines. Nat Meth 14, 897–902 doi:10.1038/nmeth.4392