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Releases: f3d-app/f3d


10 Dec 20:01
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Nightly Pre-release

Automatically generated nightly binary release


18 Jan 18:00
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πŸ—£ Join our community:

F3D Community is welcoming to users and developers alike!
Ask questions, gets involved and starts contributing in a beginner-friendly environment.

❀️ Sponsor F3D:

F3D is looking for sponsors!
We have some expenses mainly related to github and web hosting bills, any help to cover the cost would be highly appreciated.
To thank you, we'll offer preferential support and vote on next feature and bugfix as soon as you start sponsoring.
Much love to our sponsors for this release @Saijin-Naib @CriticalPoint @kidharb @Ramalama2 ❀️

🀸 Armature Display Support

You can now display armature from glTF files in F3D!
Just press "Shift+A" and it will appear, of course, animation is supported.


πŸ“‚ Open file dialog

Load a file in a pinch by using the native file dialog!
Press "Ctrl+O" to open it and select a file to load.


πŸ–₯️ Interactive Console

F3D now has an interactive console!
Press "Esc" to display it. You will find the log there and you will be able to input commands.
It replaces the log output window on Windows.
You can add_files, set_camera, print_mesh_info, set` any libf3d options and much more:


πŸ“ Complete changelog


This is a major release, API and workflow have changed.
Please find, if needed, the migration guide in the dedicated issue.

For F3D users:

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Configuration files have changed syntax
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed all deprecated options
  • BREAKING CHANGE: --scalars have been split into --scalar-coloring and --coloring-array CLI options
  • BREAKING CHANGE: = must be used for CLI Options, --option value is not supported anymore
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed geometry-only and group-geometries and added multi-file-mode option for more flexible loading of multiple files
  • BREAKING CHANGE: There is no headless specific binary release anymore, just use the standard binary with --rendering-backend=egl
  • BREAKING CHANGE: --dry-run has been renamed --no-config (Thanks @t-h2o !)
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Esc to quit the app has been changed to Ctrl+Q
  • BREAKING CHANGE: --animation-frame-rate has been replaced by --frame-rate
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed --bg-color into --background-color
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed --comp into --coloring-component
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the ? interaction to dump info, use commands instead
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed --progress into --loading-progress
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed --cells into --coloring-by-cells
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed --range into --coloring-range
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed --bar into --coloring-scalar-bar
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed --inverse into --volume-inverse
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed --samples into --raytracing-samples
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed --denoise into --raytracing-denoise
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed --ref into --reference and --ref-threshold into --reference-threshold
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed --readers-list into --list-readers
  • BREAKING CHANGE: F3D binary release is now built with GCC9
  • Changed the logo! (Thanks @snoyer @lknknm @mariami-zedginidze !)
  • Reworked the UI using ImGui
  • Added support for specifying interactions in config files, see doc
  • Added a --command-script CLI option
  • Added a tiny file dialog, just press Ctrl+O (Thanks @hant-hub !)
  • Added support for armature visualization with --armature CLI option (glTF only)
  • Added support for keeping camera position when switching files, just press Ctrl+Arrow (thanks @jia-kai !)
  • Added a ImGui based console to input commands by pressing Esc
  • Added a "Save minimal screenshot" interaction by pressing Shift+F12 (Thanks @snoyer !)
  • Added error reporting when loading a file failed for some reason
  • Added missing config file for .brep files (Thanks @NWc0de !)
  • Added support for .xbf files (Thanks @snoyer !)
  • Added --input CLI option
  • Added support for libf3d option in configuration files
  • Added support for parsing option based on their type, see the doc (Thanks @snoyer !)
  • Added a --rendering-backend option to select the rendering backend, including headless
  • Added an interaction to rotate camera 90 degrees by pressing 4/6 (Thanks @dk1242 !)
  • Added an interaction to drop only HDRI (Shift+Drop) and an interaction to drop only 3D files (Ctrl+Drop)
  • Added a --list-bindings CLI option
  • Added a --list-rendering-backends CLI option
  • Added compatibility with VFX CY2025
  • Added commands to print info about scene, coloring, mesh and options (Thanks @samoncrief !)
  • Added command to clear the console (Thanks @0xfedcafe !)
  • Added support for expanding tilda (~) into HOME when inputting any path
  • Reworked CLI option parsing to avoid parsing issues
  • Improved --list-readers CLI option output (Thanks @snoyer !)
  • Improved image comparison algorithm
  • Improved options suggestion in the command line (Thanks @snoyer !)
  • Improved many features in F3DWeb as well as adding OCCT and Draco support (Thanks @jo-chemla !)
  • Improved the webassembly bindings
  • Improved the documentation (Thanks @spevnev @stepperpig @Aarav-07 @t-h2o !)
  • Improved python bindings (Thanks @snoyer @Nokse22 !)
  • Improved startup performance (Thanks @Yogesh9000 !)
  • Improved scalar range handling with animation
  • Fixed a crash when opening a glTF file with no textures
  • Fixed an option priority issue with --help (Thanks @brown-eric !)
  • Fixed a crash with invalid --animation-index and assimp
  • Fixed an issue where the window displayed an empty filename (Thanks @snoyer !)
  • Fixed an issue where the window resolution was reset when changing file
  • Fixed an issue when resetting the camera and using --camera-index
  • Fixed an issue with --camera-index being overridden by other camera options (Thanks @dk1242 !)
  • Fixed an issue when loading a time value outside of the range (Thanks @snoyer !)
  • Fixed issues with screenshot templating (Thanks @snoyer !)
  • Fixed an issue with grid rendering on main axes (Thanks @rhysaelliott !)
  • Fixed an issue where color-bar would show when not needed
  • Fixed an issue with glTF file using URI
  • Fixed --help invalid output (Thanks @Schwarzemann !)
  • Fixed a small issue with F3D dialog being incorrectly named on macOS
  • Fixed an issue where file where open two times on macOS

For libf3d users:

  • BREAKING CHANGE: All deprecated methods have been removed
  • BREAKING CHANGE: engine::libInformation members have been changed
  • BREAKING CHANGE: options API has been rewritten from scratch, see the doc (Thanks for the help @Yogesh9000 !)
  • BREAKING CHANGE: options many options are now optional
  • BREAKING CHANGE: loader API has been replaced by a new class: scene
  • BREAKING CHANGE: engine creation API has been rewritten from scratch and a context class has been added.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: interactor: setKeyPressCallBack, setDropFilesCallBack and timerCallback have been removed
  • BREAKING CHANGE: camera API has been reworked
  • BREAKING CHANGE: image::compare API has been changed
  • BREAKING CHANGE: libf3d API is now using C++17, nodiscard, std::filesystem and std::string_view are now used whenever it makes sense
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed support for python 3.8
  • Added an interactor::command* API that lets user control the libf3d behavior more finely
  • Added an interactor::binding* API that lets user control how the libf3d respond to interactions
  • Added an scene::loadAnimationTime API to select animation time to load
  • Added interactor::start arg to control an event loop time and a event loop callback
  • Added python stubs for autocompletion and IDE integration (Thanks @snoyer !)
  • Added support for python 3.13
  • Fixed an issue with instanciang multiple engines (Thanks @hant-hub !)
  • Added an utils::collapsePath
  • Fixed an issue with HiDPI when using the libf3d on Windows

For F3D packagers:

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed compatibility with older version of VTK. VTK v9.2.6 is now required.
  • Added a new CMake options to build python stubs: F3D_BINDINGS_PYTHON_GENERATE_STUBS
  • Added a new optional but internally provided dependency: tinyfiledialogs
  • Modified dmon dependency to be optional

For F3D plugin developers:

  • Added a vtkF3DImporter and vtkF3DGLTFImporter for easier subclassing

Thanks to all our packagers that help F3D reach a wider audience: AndnoVember @kylosus @kevinsmia1939 @yurivict @bcdarwin @svenstaro @mzf-guest @papoteur-mga @berolinux @topazus @thierry-FreeBSD @xiota @alerque @chenrui333 daviddavid @kazzarin @StarsbySea @cho-m @adisbladis @Aleksanaa @pbsds @DimStar77 @AngryPenguinPL
Thanks to all our contributors for this release: @t-h2o @snoyer @lknknm @mari...

Read more


18 Jan 10:43
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v3.0.0-RC5 Pre-release


12 Jan 20:36
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v3.0.0-RC4 Pre-release


12 Jan 08:15
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v3.0.0-RC3 Pre-release


08 Jan 18:40
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v3.0.0-RC2 Pre-release


04 Jan 17:17
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v3.0.0-RC1 Pre-release


10 Dec 06:41
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A patch release dedicated to package maintainers that makes F3D v2.5 compatible with vtk v9.4.0
If you are looking for binaries, please download F3D 2.5.0.


  • Fix build compatibility with vtk v9.4.0


Thanks to all our packagers that help F3D reach a wider audience: AndnoVember @kylosus @kevinsmia1939 @yurivict @bcdarwin @svenstaro @mzf-guest @papoteur-mga @berolinux @topazus @thierry-FreeBSD @xiota @alerque @chenrui333


01 Jul 20:54
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πŸ—£ Join our community:

F3D Community is welcoming to users and developers alike!
Ask questions, gets involved and starts contributing in a beginner-friendly environment.

❀️ Sponsor F3D:

F3D is looking for sponsors!
We have some expanses mainly related to github and web hosting bills, any help to cover the cost would be highly appreciated.
To thank you, we'll offer preferential support and vote on next feature and bugfix as soon as you start sponsoring.
Much love to our sponsors for this release @parkerstafford @kidharb @Ramalama2 ❀️

🌐 F3D Web

F3D is now available as a 3D web viewer!

Thanks to webassembly, you can now use F3D in the comfort of your browser.
F3D Web is a simple yet complete application based on the f3d javascript package available at


πŸ–ΌοΈ Rendering Improvements

Rendering improvements have been added!

F3D now uses Khronos' "PBR Neutral" tone mapping for nicer renderings:





You can also now specify your own custom post-processing shader for even fancier effects, using --final-shader option, here using a "negative" shader.


πŸ“Έ Screenshot

Do you use F3D interactively and wants to take a screenshot at any point?
Just press F12 and a screenshot will be saved on disk.
F3D will name and number the image so you can save many screenshots as you want but you can specify your own filename template using --screenshot-filename if you prefer.


πŸ“ Complete changelog

For F3D users:

  • Added a Webassembly version available online:
  • Added a "neutral" tone mapping feature
  • Added an screenshot feature when pressing F12, with its dedicated option, --screenshot-filename (thanks @snoyer!)
  • Added a --final-shader option to customize post-processing.
  • Added a --grid-color option to set the color of the grid
  • Added a --animation-progress option to control if the animation progress bar should be shown (thanks @spevnev!)
  • Added a --backface-type option to control backface visibility (thanks @KeflerExe!)
  • Added a concept of filename template for saving screenshots and outputs (thanks @snoyer!)
  • Added native menus for macOS
  • Improved documentation all around (thanks @kidharb @kathleenhang @Nokse22 @vikaskok @spevnev!)
  • Reworked config file logic to avoid duplicating of the default config (thanks @snoyer!)
  • Fixed a long standing issue with FBX skinning animation
  • Fixed zsh completion (thanks @allemangD!)
  • Fixed an opacity blending issue
  • Fixed a crash when dropping a HDRI while playing an animation
  • Fixed a focus issue on macOS
  • Fixed a high DPI issue on Windows

For libf3d users:

  • Added an API to control camera pan and zoom (thanks @snoyer!)
  • Added a tkinter python example (thanks @JPLost!)
  • Exposed log level in the python API (thanks @snoyer!)

For F3D packagers:

  • Fixed compatibility with CMake 3.29.1
  • Fixed compatibility with OCCT 7_8_0
  • Fixed build reproducibility by removing a path from the binary

Thanks to all our packagers that help F3D reach a wider audience: AndnoVember @kylosus @kevinsmia1939 @yurivict @bcdarwin @svenstaro @mzf-guest @papoteur-mga @berolinux @topazus @thierry-FreeBSD @xiota @alerque @chenrui333
Thanks to all our contributors for this release: @allemangD @snoyer @kathleenhang @shambhupatil @JPLost @KeflerExe @kidharb @vikaskok @spevnev @Meakk @mwestphal @jubalh



30 Jun 10:44
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v2.5.0-RC2 Pre-release