- London, UK
- fabiospampinato.com
- @fabiospampinato
zeptomatch-explode Public
A little utility for exploding a zeptomatch-flavored glob into its dynamic and static parts.
zeptomatch-unescape Public
A little utility for removing escape sequences from a glob.
zeptomatch-is-static Public
A little utility for checking if a glob is fully static.
zeptomatch-escape Public
A little utility for escaping globs before passing them to zeptomatch.
zeptomatch Public
An absurdly small glob matcher that packs a punch.
tiny-bin Public
A library for building tiny and beautiful command line apps.
tiny-parse-argv Public
A tiny function for parsing process.argv, a modern rewrite of a sensible subset of minimist.
json-simple-parser Public
The fastest pure-JS implementation for JSON I could come up with.
grammex Public
A tiny PEG-like system for building language grammars with regexes.
tiny-readdir-glob Public
A simple promisified recursive readdir function, with support for globs.
tiny-readdir-glob-gitignore Public
A simple promisified recursive readdir function, with support for globs and .gitignore files.
vscode-open-in-github Public
Open the current project or file in github.com.
specialist Public
A library that helps you write tiny, fast, bundled and beautiful CLI apps that can automatically check for updates.
isoplatform Public
An isomorphic detector for the current process platform.
ua2os Public
Detect the OS from a User-Agent string.
tiny-browser-open Public
A tiny utility for opening a file or a URL inside a browser of your choosing.
tiny-open Public
A tiny utility for opening a file or a URL with its default application.
special-tlds Public
List of special-use ICANN TLDs.
picolru Public
A tiny LRU implementation that strives for simplicity and performance.
csv-simple-parser Public
A simple, fast and configurable CSV parser.
uDSV Public
Forked from leeoniya/uDSVA faster CSV parser in 5KB (min)
dettle Public
A tiny fully-featured debounce and throttle implementation.
isotimer Public
An isomorphic setImmediate/setInterval/setTimeout implementation.
immediato Public
An isomorphic setImmediate implementation that doesn't prevent the process from exiting naturally.
paketo Public
A tiny library for importing your package.json, with proper types!
memoization-registry Public
A generalized multi-key memoization solution that does not leak memory.
linkify-it-tlds Public
Comprehensive list of TLDs, sourced from ICANN, for linkify-it.
ini-simple-parser Public
A simple, fast and configurable INI parser.
huffy Public
A tiny compression library based on Huffman coding.