Welcome! This is an effort to improve citations on Wikipedia. To read more about the overarching goals of this effort, please see our article on ML-Assisted Wikipedia Editing.
The Side system is described in the following paper:
title = "Improving Wikipedia Verifiability with AI",
author = {Petroni, Fabio and Broscheit, Samuel and Piktus, Aleksandra and Lewis, Patrick and Izacard, Gautier and Hosseini, Lucas and Dwivedi-Yu, Jane and Lomeli, Maria and Schick, Timo and Mazaré, Pierre-Emmanuel and Joulin, Armand and Grave, Edouard e Riedel, Sebastian},
url = "https://openreview.net/forum?id=qfTqRtkDbWZ",
year = "2022"
Read our blog post https://tech.fb.com/artificial-intelligence/2022/07/how-ai-could-help-make-wikipedia-entries-more-accurate/.
Check out the Side demo at https://verifier.sideeditor.com!
Code and models in projects/verify_wikipedia.
Side is MIT licensed. See the LICENSE file for details.