The ultimate FACN Recipe app. A simple recipe application for members of Founders & Coders community in Nazareth.
Click here to use FACN Recipe 4.0.
Or you can clone this repository.
git clone
Install the dependencies
npm i
Run devStart
npm run devStart
We need to have an app where users need to upload recipes and other users can see those recipes. As a student/mentor of Founders & Coders based in Nazareth, the user should be able to...
- login securely to the app
- create a new recipe
- browse available recipes
- filter recipes by origin food type
- view the most recent recipes
id | title | difficulty | duration | ingredients | procedure | cuisine | author_id |
id | username | password | name | surname |
- create repository
- create file structure
- create wireframe
- write this beautiful readme
- create the database
- create the login and sign up forms
- try login
- present page with recipe titles, difficulty and time
- be able to click on the recipe
- be able to be redirected to the unique recipe page /:id
- attempt the stretch goals
- be able to 'heart' the recipe
- Be able to review recipes
- Function for editing/deleting recipes only for the user that created the original recipe
- Admin authentication to edit/delete any recipes
- All team members must review before a branch is merged