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proof of concept GR4 incremental/parallel block plugin build PoC (does not contain real blocks)


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GNU Radio 4.0 Block Registry & Plugin System - PoC

A minimal proof-of-concept prototype for building GR4 module plugin-registry (needed for runtime polymorphism):

  • explicit registration macros (GR_REGISTER_BLOCK(...)) that generate plugin code at build time. Example syntax:
    template<typename T> struct AlgoImpl1 {};
    template<typename T> struct AlgoImpl2 {};
    // register block with arbitrary NTTPs (here: 3UZ) and expand T in [float,double], U in [short, int, long, long long]
    GR_REGISTER_BLOCK(gr::basic::BlockN, ([T], [U], 3UZ), [ float, double ], [ short, int, long, long long ])
    // register block with arbitrary NTTPs (here: 4UZ) and expand T for [short], U for [short] only
    GR_REGISTER_BLOCK("CustomBlockNameN", gr::basic::BlockN, ([T], [U], 4UZ, gr::basic::AlgoImpl2<[T]>), [ short ], [ short ])
    template<typename T, typename U, std::size_t N, typename Alog = AlgoImpl1<T>>
    struct BlockN : public gr::IBlock { /* .. */  };
    } // namespace gr::basic
    /// other macro variants options:
    ///   GR_REGISTER_BLOCK("MyBlockName", gr::basic::Block1, ([T], [U]), [ float, double ], [int])
    ///   GR_REGISTER_BLOCK(gr::basic::Block0)
    ///   GR_REGISTER_BLOCK("blockN.hpp", gr::basic::BlockN, ([T],[U],3UZ,SomeAlgo<[T]>), [ short, int], [double])
  • incremental/parallel builds, each block’s .hpp producing a dedicated .cpp for runtime registration.
  • shared library (or multiple libraries) containing all generated instantiations, so other code can create blocks polymorphically at runtime.

Project Structure Overview

├─ CMakeLists.txt           <-- Top-level build logic, parser tool, aggregator libs
├─ tools/
│   ├─ CMakeLists.txt       <-- external project build file (needs to be invoked before main build)
│   └─ parse_registrations.cpp   <-- The custom parser that scans each .hpp for GR_REGISTER_BLOCK macros
├─ include/
│   └─ gr_registry.hpp      <-- Global registry interface & marker macro
├─ src/
│   ├─ CMakeLists.txt       <-- (optional) compiles e.g. gr_registry.cpp
│   └─ gr_registry.cpp      <-- actual definition of BlockRegistry::instance()
├─ blocks/
│   ├─ CMakeLists.txt       <-- enumerates submodules (basic, math, etc.)
│   ├─ basic/
│   │   ├─ CMakeLists.txt   <-- lists basic block .hpp files, calls create_block_library(grBasic)
│   │   ├─ include/
│   │   │   └─ gnuradio-4.x/basic/block{0,1,2,3,N}.hpp  <-- block templates
│   │   └─ src/ (...)       <-- optional .cpp or sub-tests
│   ├─ math/
│   │   ├─ CMakeLists.txt   <-- lists math block .hpp files, calls create_block_library(grMath)
│   │   └─ include/ (...etc.)
├─ example/
│   ├─ CMakeLists.txt       <-- builds a test executable linking block libraries
│   └─ main.cpp             <-- usage example: enumerates & creates blocks
└─ build/ (created by CMake)
    ├─ generated_plugins/
    │   ├─ grBasic/   <-- one .cpp file per block header
    │   ├─ grMath/
    │   └─ ...
    └─ ...

Key Components

  1. parse_registrations.cpp

    • scans exactly one header file for lines with GR_REGISTER_BLOCK(...).
    • produces .cpp containing calls to registerBlock<...>().
    • macros must be on single lines.
    • single or multiple .cpp generation is controlled via the command-line argument --spit or -s, or via the cmake option -DENABLE_SPLIT=<ON|OFF> (default: on).
    • Example parser output:
    parsing header: '<project root>/gr4-blocklib-build-concept/blocks/basic/include/gnuradio-4.x/basic/blockN.hpp' -> '<project root>/gr4-blocklib-build-concept/build/generated_plugins/grBasic'  split: Yes 
        found macro on line 17: 'GR_REGISTER_BLOCK(gr::basic::BlockN, ([T], [U], 3UZ), [ float, double ], [ short, int, long, long long ])'
        => Generating file: '<project root>/gr4-blocklib-build-concept/build/generated_plugins/grBasic/blockN_0_0.cpp'
        => Generating file: '<project root>/gr4-blocklib-build-concept/build/generated_plugins/grBasic/blockN_0_1.cpp'
        => Generating file: '<project root>/gr4-blocklib-build-concept/build/generated_plugins/grBasic/blockN_0_2.cpp'
        => Generating file: '<project root>/gr4-blocklib-build-concept/build/generated_plugins/grBasic/blockN_0_3.cpp'
        => Generating file: '<project root>/gr4-blocklib-build-concept/build/generated_plugins/grBasic/blockN_0_4.cpp'
        => Generating file: '<project root>/gr4-blocklib-build-concept/build/generated_plugins/grBasic/blockN_0_5.cpp'
        => Generating file: '<project root>/gr4-blocklib-build-concept/build/generated_plugins/grBasic/blockN_0_6.cpp'
        => Generating file: '<project root>/gr4-blocklib-build-concept/build/generated_plugins/grBasic/blockN_0_7.cpp'
        found macro on line 19: 'GR_REGISTER_BLOCK("CustomBlockNameN", gr::basic::BlockN, ([T], [U], 4UZ, gr::basic::AlgoImpl2<[T]>), [ short ], [ short ])'
        => Generating file: '<project root>/gr4-blocklib-build-concept/build/generated_plugins/grBasic/blockN_1_0.cpp'
    parse_registrations: Wrote 9 file(s) for 2 macro definition(s).
    • known issue: if a macro or block template signature is modified the cmake .. has to be re-invoked.
  2. gr_registry.hpp N.B. this is a mock MVP implementation

    • declares BlockRegistry, a global map from string to factory function.
    • declares GR_REGISTER_BLOCK(...) as an empty marker macro for the parser.
  3. gr_registry.cpp

    • Defines BlockRegistry::instance(), storing a static BlockRegistry.
  4. create_block_library(...) (CMake function)

    • For each .hpp, calls parse_registrations => a generated .cpp.
    • Builds a shared library from all generated .cpps plus optional user .cpp sources.
  5. main.cpp

    • Demonstrates linking the library and creating blocks at runtime by type.

Usage & Build System

  1. Configure & Build:

    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ..
    • top-level CMakeLists.txt script manually configures and builds the the parse_registrations tool from the tools/ directory directly into the build directory (e.g. build/tools_build).
    • for each block subdirectory, CMake loops over block headers, generating a .cpp per header.
    • a final .so library (e.g., is created with all instantiations.
    • the example/test_registry and other executables are built, linking those libs.
  2. Incremental & Parallel:

    • Each block header => one custom command => generates .cpps, which can be compiled independently.
    • If, for example, block2.hpp is modified, only the corresponding .cpps are regenerated and recompiled.
  3. Runtime Polymorphism:

    • The global registry stores factory functions keyed by a custom name (or simplified typeid(...) fallback).
    • listTypes() enumerates all registered blocks.
    • create("MyBlock<float>") or create(...) returns a new instance of that block’s type, letting you handle them via a common interface (IBlock).
  4. GR_REGISTER_BLOCK(BaseName, TemplateName, (paramPack)?, [ expansions ]...):

    • Must be one line.
    • The parser extracts the baseName, expansions, placeholders, etc.
    • Produces code like registerBlock<Template< float >>("BaseName<float>") for each expansion.

License & Contributing

  • This code is provided as-is for demonstration & discussion in the GNU Radio 4.0 community.
  • Feel free to open issues, pull requests, propose enhancements such as a more robust build logic.


proof of concept GR4 incremental/parallel block plugin build PoC (does not contain real blocks)







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