Your bags will be handled with care.
The Concierge service creates, tracks, and stages transfers of BDBags referencing each with a Minid.
You can create a bag with the following POST request to
Header: Authorization: Bearer <globus_auth_token>
JSON Payload:
"minid_user": "Malcolm Reynolds",
"minid_email": "[email protected]",
"minid_title": "concierge-test",
"length": 4,
"filename": "file1.txt",
"md5": "5bbf5a52328e7439ae6e719dfe712200",
"sha256": "2c8b08da5ce60398e1f19af0e5dccc744df274b826abe585eaba68c525434806"
The above will create a BDBag, assign it a minid, and upload the BDBag to an Amazon S3 Server. An example response is below:
"id": 5,
"url": "",
"minid_id": "ark:/99999/fk43f5zk6m",
"minid_email": "[email protected]",
"location": ""
git clone
cd concierge
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python migrate
python runserver
This will start the server running on http://localhost:8000