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Python client and SDK for Falco


Output subscribe

import falco
client = falco.Client(endpoint="localhost:5060", client_crt="/tmp/client.crt", client_key="/tmp/client.key", ca_root="/tmp/ca.crt")
for event in client.sub()):

or try it directly (make sure you have the client certificates in /tmp or use the unix socket address), for example:

python -m examples.tls_sub_events -o json
python -m examples.unixsocket_get_events -o json
python -m examples.unixsocket_get_version

Output format

Currently there are two output formats available: JSON and Python classes. To change output format, pass the output_format parameter to the Client object.



To install development dependencies, run pip install -r requirements-dev.txt.

Update protos

Perform the following edits to the Makefile:

  1. Update the PROTOS array with the destination path of the .proto file.
  2. Update the PROTO_URLS array with the URL from which to download it.
  3. Update thr PROTO_SHAS array with the SHA256 sum of the file to download.
  4. Execute the following commands:
make clean
make protos


To run the tests, run make test.


To format the code, run make lint.