Neovim dotfiles
Keeping simple but at the same time powerful editing experience is what is desired. And as David Thomas and Andrew Hunt say: 'Don’t spend more effort than you save...'. So I stuck with a simple vim/neovim dotfiles configuration, which gives me the following:
- no mouse interaction
- char, word, line and paragraph selection and movement
- move by syntactic units, such as, matching delimiters, functions, mudules
- code reindentation
- comment and uncomment block with a single command
- column, line number navigation
- sorting
- buffer and project-wide replacement by string or regexp pattern
- multiple cursor (places) editing (you-don-t-need-more-than-one-cursor-in-vim)
- build, test and run a single unit or a whole project from the editor
- switching between projects
- interact with version control (blame, commit, logs, search)
Also, if a repetitive pattern is found during editing, then a command shortcut is added. Mantra: 'Don’t spend more effort than you save' even if you fell in love with your editor!