"a tool that lets you search web using CLI like commands, written in [rust]"
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Olloor is a tool that lets you search web using CLI like commands and written in rust.
This is what olloor
looks like in action.
Make sure you have Rust installed.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
Rocket uses the nightly version of Rust so make sure you use that. If you'd like to only use nightly for this project, you can run this from the root of the project after cloning.
# from the root of the project
rustup override set nightly
- Clone the olloor
git clone https://github.com/faraaz-baig/olloor.git
- Make sure you're using nightly
cargo --version
- Build the project
cargo build
- Follow the instructions in the Running section.
This requires VSCode, Docker and the Remote Development extension pack. For more details see the official docs.
- Follow the official guide to open this repository inside a dev container. VSCode will read the config file provided to auto-install relevant dependencies and extensions.
- To run terminal commands, use the integrated terminal functionality.
- Run the project
cargo run
- Visit localhost:8000
- To test a command, go to localhost:8000/search?cmd=tw and you should be redirected to Twitter
Run the following command
cargo test
To test out a command, type in http://localhost:8000/search?cmd= followed by your command.
The following commands are supported by Olloor
- "tw" -> redirects to twitter.com
- "tw @username" -> redirects to twitter.com/username
- "gh" -> redirects to github.com
- "gh username" -> redirects to github.com/username
- "gh username/repo" -> redirects to github.com/username/repo
Everything else redirects to a google search with your query.
Olloor currently supports on top websites visited around the globe.
Search Engines
- Duckduckgo (Default)
- Yandex
Entertainment & Media
- Youtube
- Twitch
- Netflix
- Zoom
- Amazon
- Wish
- Flipkart
Developers & Designers
- Github
- Hacker News
- Dribbble
- Gitlab
- Stack Overflow
- Wikipedia
- Weather
- Calculator
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated. See CONTRIBUTING
for more information.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
If you have questions or thoughts on this project, feel free to send them my way by @faraazofficial'ing me on Twitter or shooting me a DM.
Faraaz Baig - @faraazofficial