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Example Usage (view example)

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

    body {
        margin: 0;

    #map {
        position: absolute;
        height: 100%;
        right: 0;
        left: 0;

    <div id="map"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        new baaqmdMaps.Map({
            container: "map"



Map allows you to create a new baaqmdMaps map by specifying options for how it should render and behave.

new Map(options: Object)


options (Object)

  • options.container (HTMLElement OR string): The HTML element, or the element's string id, into which the map will render. This element must have no children.
  • options.sidePanel(boolean, default true): If true, the side panel with layer controls and details will be included with the map.
  • options.sidePanelExpanded(boolean, default true): If true, the side panel will be expanded by default.
  • options.mapType(string or Array, default 'AQIForecast'): the name of the map type that should be rendered. If it is an array, only those map types included in the array will be in the map type selector, and the first type in the array will be used as the default map type. Map type strings should be one of the following: 'AQIForecast', 'Facilities', 'ImpactedCommunities', 'Monitoring', 'OpenBurning', 'OverburdenedCommunities'
  • options.enableMapTypeSelector(boolean, default true): If true, the title in the side panel will allow the user to select between map types
  • options.rootURL(string, default ''): overrides the default URL for services and content
  • options.accessToken(string, default 'pk.eyJ1IjoiYmFhcW1kLXB1YmxpY21hcHMiLCJhIjoiY2szcDJsMTRlMjdnYTNicGhrNGZncXhuYyJ9.iV06_RIzAx1lImQdB-uiMw'): the Mapbox access token to use with this map. Defaults to the "Farallon Development" access token.
  •, default false): If true, mobile stylesheet will be included with the map. This will likely be removed in the future as complete mobile support is phased in for all maps.
  • options.mobileFullscreen(boolean, default false): Puts the map into mobile fullscreen mode. Since most mobile browsers don't support fullscreen mode, mobile fullscreen mode is acheived by loading a separate page where the map should be put into mobile fullscreen mode.
  • options.fullscreenURL(string, default '/mobile-fullscreen.html'): the URL that the map should redirect to when entering "mobile fullscreen mode".

Instance Members

  • el: the HTMLElement into which the Map was rendered
  • expandSidePanel(): Expands the side panel (if it is being shown). Returns boolean, expanded state of side panel
  • collapseSidePanel(): Collapses the side panel (if it is being shown). Returns boolean, expanded state of side panel
  • showSidePanel(): Shows the side panel and related controls. Returns boolean, shown state of side panel
  • hideSidePanel(): Hides the side panel and related controls. Returns boolean, shown state of side panel


Getting Started

Install the following dependencies:

Now you can fork & clone this repository to start developing.

After cloning the repo, you'll need to install your package dependencies locally by running the following from the root directory of your cloned repository:

yarn install

Development Server

To run the app locally, run the following from the root directory of your cloned repository:

yarn dev

The application should now be running at http://localhost:3000/

Changes that you make to javascript and CSS files will be automatically refreshed!


Before deploying, you must first build the library by running the following command from the root directory:

yarn build


To deploy the latest to library and examples to the web, simply build (as per above) then commit and push your local changes, and merge them into to the master branch in Github.

Tile Generation

Requires tippecanoe to be installed locally. To generate tiles from the latest local data (stored in data/), run the following command from the root directory:

yarn tiles

This will create an .mbtiles file (data/baaqmd.mbtiles) containing all layers (except for facilities), and then upload those tilesets to Mapbox.

Facilities Data

Facilities data are pulled from a JSON feed, converted to a tileset and then uploaded to Mapbox via another script, which also requires tippecanoe:

yarn facilities

Secret Keys

The tiles and facilities scripts require a secret Mapbox access token for the district account with all public scopes and the following secret scopes:


This key should be put in a file in the project root directory called secret.json with the following content (replacing your secret key in the value):

    "mapboxKey": "{YOUR SECRET KEY HERE}"

Make sure to never share your secret key.


BAAQMD public maps library






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