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askhamwhat committed Apr 1, 2024
1 parent e5ba81a commit 35d37dd
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Showing 4 changed files with 208 additions and 4 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion chunkie/guide/addpaths_loc.m
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@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
function addpaths_loc()

133 changes: 131 additions & 2 deletions chunkie/guide/guide_simplebvps.m
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Expand Up @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@

% define a boundary condition. because of the symmetries of the
% starfish, this function integrates to zero
f = @(r) r(1,:).^2.*r(2,:);
rhs = f(chnkr.r); rhs = rhs(:);
pwfun = @(r) r(1,:).^2.*r(2,:);
rhs = pwfun(chnkr.r); rhs = rhs(:);

% get the kernel
kernsp = kernel('lap','sprime');
Expand All @@ -46,9 +46,138 @@
% plot
figure(1); clf
h = pcolor(xx,yy,uu); set(h,'EdgeColor','none'); colorbar
hold on; plot(chnkr,'k'); colormap(redblue)

% get a chunker discretization of a peanut-shaped domain
modes = [1.25,-0.25,0,0.5];
ctr = [0;0];
chnkr = chunkerfunc(@(t) chnk.curves.bymode(t,modes,ctr));

% the boundary condition is determined by an incident plane wave
kwav = 3*[-1,-5];
pwfun = @(r) exp(1i*kwav*r(:,:));
rhs = -pwfun(chnkr.r); rhs = rhs(:);

% define the CFIE kernel D - ik S
zk = norm(kwav);
coefs = [1,-1i*zk];
kerncfie = kernel('h','c',zk,coefs);

% get a matrix discretization of the boundary integral equation
sysmat = chunkermat(chnkr,kerncfie);
% add the identity term
sysmat = sysmat + 0.5*eye(chnkr.npt);

% solve the system
sigma = gmres(sysmat,rhs,[],1e-10,100);

% grid for plotting solution (in exterior)
x1 = linspace(-5,5,300);
[xx,yy] = meshgrid(x1,x1);
targs = [xx(:).'; yy(:).'];
in = chunkerinterior(chnkr,{x1,x1});
uu = nan(size(xx));

% same kernel to evaluate as on boundary
uu(~in) = chunkerkerneval(chnkr,kerncfie,sigma,targs(:,~in));
uu(~in) = uu(~in) + pwfun(targs(:,~in)).';

% plot
figure(1); clf
h = pcolor(xx,yy,real(uu)); set(h,'EdgeColor','none'); colorbar
colormap(redblue); umax = max(abs(uu(:))); clim([-umax,umax]);
hold on

% get a chunker discretization of a peanut-shaped domain
modes = [2.5,0,0,1];
ctr = [0;0];
chnkrouter = chunkerfunc(@(t) chnk.curves.bymode(t,modes,ctr));

% inner boundaries are circles (reverse them to get orientations right)
chnkrcirc = chunkerfunc(@(t) chnk.curves.bymode(t,0.3,[0;0]));
chnkrcirc = reverse(chnkrcirc);
centers = [ [-2:2, -2:2]; [(0.7 + 0.25*(-1).^(-2:2)) , ...
(-0.7 + 0.25*(-1).^(-2:2))]];
centers = centers + 0.1*randn(size(centers));

% make a boundary out of the outer boundary and several shifted circles
chnkrlist = [chnkrouter];
for j = 1:size(centers,2)
chnkr1 = chnkrcirc;
chnkr1.r(:,:) = chnkr1.r(:,:) + centers(:,j);
chnkrlist = [chnkrlist chnkr1];
chnkr = merge(chnkrlist);


% boundary condition specifies the velocity. two values per node
wid = 0.3; % determines width of Gaussian
f = @(r) [exp(-r(2,:).^2/(2*wid^2)); zeros(size(r(2,:)))];
rhsout = f(chnkrouter.r(:,:)); rhsout = rhsout(:);
rhs = [rhsout; zeros(2*10*chnkrcirc.npt,1)];

% define the combined layer Stokes representation kernel
mu = 1; % stokes viscosity parameter
kerndvel = kernel('stok','dvel',mu);
kernsvel = kernel('stok','svel',mu);

% get a matrix discretization of the boundary integral equation
dmat = chunkermat(chnkr,kerndvel);
smat = chunkermat(chnkr,kernsvel);

% add the identity term and nullspace correction
c = -1;
W = normonesmat(chnkr);
sysmat = dmat + c*smat - 0.5*eye(2*chnkr.npt) + W;

% solve the system
sigma = gmres(sysmat,rhs,[],1e-10,100);

% grid for plotting solution (in exterior)
x1 = linspace(-3.75,3.75,300);
y1 = linspace(-2,2,300);
[xx,yy] = meshgrid(x1,y1);
targs = [xx(:).'; yy(:).'];
in = chunkerinterior(chnkr,{x1,y1});
uu = nan([2,size(xx)]);
pres = nan(size(xx));

% same kernel to evaluate as on boundary
uu(:,in) = reshape(chunkerkerneval(chnkr,kerndvel,sigma,targs(:,in)),2,nnz(in));
uu(:,in) = uu(:,in) + c*reshape(chunkerkerneval(chnkr,kernsvel,sigma,targs(:,in)),2,nnz(in));
uu(:,in) = uu(:,in) + uconst;

% can evaluate the associated pressure
kerndpres = kernel('stok','dpres',mu);
kernspres = kernel('stok','spres',mu);
opts = []; opts.eps = 1e-3;
pres(in) = chunkerkerneval(chnkr,kerndpres,sigma,targs(:,in),opts);
pres(in) = pres(in) + c*chunkerkerneval(chnkr,kernspres,sigma,targs(:,in),opts);

% plot
figure(1); clf
h = pcolor(xx,yy,pres); set(h,'EdgeColor','none'); colorbar
hold on
plot(chnkr,'k','LineWidth',2); axis equal

u = reshape(uu(1,:,:),size(xx)); v = reshape(uu(2,:,:),size(xx));
startt = linspace(pi-pi/12,pi+pi/12,20);
startr = 0.99*chnk.curves.bymode(startt,modes,[0;0]);
startx = startr(1,:); starty = startr(2,:);

sl = streamline(xx,yy,u,v,startx,starty);
Binary file modified chunkie/guide/guide_simplebvps_laplaceneumann.png
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75 changes: 74 additions & 1 deletion docs/guide/simplebvps.rst
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Expand Up @@ -228,13 +228,86 @@ can be solved with very little coding:

.. image:: ../../chunkie/guide/guide_simplebvps_laplaceneumann.png
:width: 500px
:alt: combined chunker
:alt: solution of Laplace equation
:align: center

A Helmholtz Scattering Problem

In a scattering problem, an incident field $u^{\\textrm{inc}}$ is specified
in the exterior of an object and a scattered field $u^{\\textrm{scat}}$ is
determined so that the total field $u = u^{\\textrm{inc}}+u^{\\textrm{scat}}$
satisfies the PDE and a given boundary condition. It is also required that
the scattered field radiates outward from the object. For a sound-soft object
in acoustic scattering, the total field is zero on the object boundary.
This results in the following boundary value problem for $u^{\\textrm{scat}}$
in the exterior of the object:

.. math::
(\Delta + k^2) u^{\textrm{scat}} &= 0 & \textrm{ in } \mathbb{R}^2 \setminus \Omega \; , \\
u^{\textrm{scat}} &= -u^{\textrm{inc}} & \textrm{ on } \Gamma \; , \\
\sqrt{|x|} \left( \frac{x}{|x|} \cdot \nabla u^{\textrm{scat}} - ik u^{\textrm{scat}} \right )
&\to 0 & \textrm{ as } |x|\to \infty \; ,
The Green function for the Helmholtz equation is

.. math::
G_k (x,y) = \frac{i}{4} H_0^{(1)}( k|x-y|) \; .
Analogous to the above, this Green function can be used to define
single and double layer potential operators

.. math::
[S\sigma](x) &:= \int_\Gamma G_k(x,y) \sigma(y) ds(y) \\
[D\sigma](x) &:= \int_\Gamma n(y)\cdot \nabla_y G_k(x,y) \sigma(y) ds(y)
A robust choice for the layer potential representation for this problem is
a *combined field* layer potential, which is a linear combination
of the single and double layer potentials:

.. math::
u^{\textrm{scat}}(x) = [(D - ik S)\sigma](x) \; .
Then, imposing the boundary conditions on this representation
results in the equation

.. math::
-u^{\textrm{inc}}(x_0) &= \lim_{x\in \mathbb{R}^2\setminus \Omega, x\to x_0} [(D-ik S)\sigma](x) \\
&= \frac{1}{2} \sigma(x_0) + [ (\mathcal{D} -ik \mathcal{S})\sigma ](x_0)
where we have used the exterior jump condition for the double layer potential.
As above, the integrals in the operators restricted to the boundary must sometimes
be interpreted in the principal value or Hadamard finite-part sense.
The above is a second kind integral equation and is invertible.

As before, this is relatively straightforward to implement in :matlab:`chunkie`
using the built-in kernels:

.. include:: ../../chunkie/guide/guide_simplebvps.m
:code: matlab

.. image:: ../../chunkie/guide/guide_simplebvps_basicscattering.png
:width: 500px
:alt: acoustic scattering around a peanut shape
:align: center

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