Testing for enrichment of genome-wide scores or p-values in gene-categories. enrichme.py implements a method that naturally corrects for gene length, linkage disequilibrium and gene clustering by comaring the data to a null-distribution obtained by randomly rotating the scores against their genomic positions.
Given you have results from a genome wide association study (GWAS), a genome wide seletion scan or any kind of analysis that attributes scores, likelihoods or p-values to positions across the genome, enrichme.py test whether high scores are enriched in specific gene categories.
Use pip or easy_install:
pip install enrichme==0.1.1
Or clone/download repo manually and run:
python setup.py install
You can run unit tests using the command:
python setup.py test
The program currently implements three methods:
- Candidate (enrichme -M Candidate --help)
- Comparing a candidate gene list to a background gene list. This is a standard function that is done by many enrichment analysis tools. No correction for gene length or LD.
- TopScores (enrichme -M TopScores --help)
- Check whether top ranking scores are within or close to genes enriched in specific gene-categories. This method naturally corrects for gene-length and LD. This method is useful if one expects that only scores above a threshold contain biologically relevant information. No information is used from the ranking of scores that pass the threshold.
- Summary (enrichme -M Summary --help)
- Similar to TopScores but instead of defining a threshold on the scores, a summary of scores is calculated for each gene category. As an example, for each gene category, the program could calculate the mean across the category of the maximum score across each gene in the category. This method is useful if one thinks that scores contain information down to low value or if the relative value of scores is important beyond defining a simple threshold.
enrichme --help
Example scripts with further explanations and example data can be found in the examples folder
They will be installed alongside the enrichme package. The location depends whether enrichme is installed system-wide or into a virtual environment. Alternatively you can download the repo as a zip and extract it and run the samples below inside the examples folder.
Test for enrichment of GWAS scores above 3 (p-value<10^-3) in GO-categories:
cd ./examples/ enrichme -M TopScores \ --feature_to_category example_gene_to_category.csv \ --feature_to_category_cols gene_id go_identifier \ --rod example_GWAS_result.csv \ --rod_cols chrom pos score \ --features example_gene_annotation.csv \ --feature_cols chrom start end gene_id \ --name minimal_test_TopScores \ --n_permut 10 \ --top_type threshold \ --top 3 \ --descending \ --max_dist 5000 \
For each gene, calculate the max GWAS score within the gene. Then, test for enrichment of the mean of these gene-scores in GO-categories:
cd ./examples/ enrichme -M Summary \ --feature_to_category example_gene_to_category_40_cats.csv \ --feature_to_category_cols gene_id go_identifier \ --category_to_description example_go_to_name.csv \ --category_to_description_cols go_identifier go_name \ --rod example_GWAS_result.csv \ --rod_cols chrom pos score \ --features example_gene_annotation.csv \ --feature_cols chrom start end gene_id \ --name minimal_test_Summary \ --feature_summary max \ --category_summary mean \
- FEATURE to CATEGORY mapping (input argument --feature_to_category)
This file maps genetic features (usually genes) to feature categories such as gene-lists. This could be GO-terms or custom defined gene-lists. File can be tab-separated (.tsv) or comma-separates (.csv)
$head examples/example_gene_annotation.csv gene_id,go_identifier AT1G01010,GO:0005634 AT1G01010,GO:0006355 AT1G01010,GO:0003677 AT1G01010,GO:0007275 AT1G01010,GO:0003700 AT1G01010,GO:0043090 AT1G01010,GO:0006888 AT1G01020,GO:0016125 AT1G01020,GO:0016020
- FEATURES (input argument --features)
This file gives the position of features (e.g. genes) across the genome. Often this will be the gene annotation. The column pos gives the start of the feature.
$head examples/example_gene_annotation.csv chrom,start,end,gene_id 1,3631,5899,AT1G01010 1,5928,8737,AT1G01020 1,11649,13714,AT1G01030 1,23146,31227,AT1G01040 1,28500,28706,AT1G01046 1,31170,33153,AT1G01050 1,33379,37840,AT1G01060 1,38752,40944,AT1G01070 1,44677,44787,AT1G01073
- Scores across the genome (input argument --rod)
This could be position of SNPs and a score or p-value associated with them. ROD stands for Reference Ordered Data.
$head examples/example_GWAS_result.csv chrom,pos,score 1,3102,0.09305379 1,4648,0.30615359999999997 1,4880,0.35306350000000003 1,5975,0.9596856 1,6063,0.23715001 1,6449,0.019213928 1,6514,0.43630862 1,6603,0.23235813 1,6768,0.58977395
- [Optional] Mapping of categories to category descriptions (input argument --category_to_description)
This could be a csv with GO-category ids and descriptions.
$head examples/example_go_to_name.csv go_identifier,go_name GO:0000001,mitochondrion inheritance GO:0000002,mitochondrial genome maintenance GO:0000003,reproduction GO:0042254,ribosome biogenesis GO:0044183,protein binding involved in protein folding GO:0051082,unfolded protein binding GO:0000006,high-affinity zinc uptake transmembrane transporter activity GO:0000007,low-affinity zinc ion transmembrane transporter activity GO:0003756,protein disulfide isomerase activity
The different modes provide different output files. The main output file is common for all modes, called <name>.pvals.tsv. It is a ranked table with most significantly enriched categories on top:
go_identifier out_of rank score_summary p_value benjamini_hochberg go_name GO:0000165 2000 1943 0.8731354255802085 0.02898550724637683 27.014492753623205 MAPK cascade GO:0000041 2000 1825 0.8348620634942308 0.08795602198900554 27.32500416458439 transition metal ion transport GO:0000160 2000 1800 0.9736749697560976 0.1004497751124438 23.404797601199405 phosphorelay signal transduction system GO:0000164 2000 1698 1.0469719100000001 0.15142428785607198 28.225487256371814 protein phosphatase type 1 complex GO:0000096 2000 1692 0.8680123230000001 0.15442278860569714 23.987006496751622 sulfur amino acid metabolic process GO:0000145 2000 1685 0.9976431777777778 0.15792103948025982 21.02605839937174 exocyst GO:0000159 2000 1562 0.9504652303750003 0.21939030484757627 25.558970514742636 protein phosphatase type 2A complex GO:0000156 2000 1558 0.9427544812820514 0.22138930534732637 22.92609250930091 phosphorelay response regulator activity
There are two ways to run this program in parallel. Per default, the program uses as many cores as available on the host machine. This can be controlled with the --ncpus option. Advanced users, who want to parallelise across multiple nodes of a compute cluster, can use the built in map/reduce framework to automatically combine results from multiple independent runs. See
for an example.
enrichme follows semantic versioning. The first release with stable API will be 1.0.0 (soon). Until then, you are encouraged to specify explicitly the version in your dependency tools, e.g.:
pip install enrichme==0.1.0
For a detailed CHANGELOG refer to this document