DeLaFits is a native Delphi and Lazarus class library for operation with files in the FITS format:
- reading, editing and building the HDU (header and data units)
- high-level access to Standard Extensions
- data rendering of the IMAGE extension
Just add the library source
directory to your project’s search path
Basic API is in DeLaFitsCommon and DeLaFitsClasses units
For details, see User's Manual
SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, DeLaFitsCommon, DeLaFitsClasses, DeLaFitsPicture;
Stream: TFileStream;
Container: TFitsContainer;
Picture: TFitsPicture;
Head: TFitsPictureHead;
Data: TFitsPictureData;
Frame: TFitsPictureFrame;
IndexLine: Integer;
IndexElems: Int64;
X, CountElems: Integer;
Elems: array of Double;
Region: TRegion;
Bitmap: TBitmap;
Stream := nil;
Container := nil;
Bitmap := nil;
// Open FITS file
Stream := TFileStream.Create('demo-image.fits', fmOpenReadWrite);
// Create FITS container
Container := TFitsContainer.Create(Stream);
// Cast HDU[0] as IMAGE extension
Picture := Container.Reclass(0, TFitsPicture) as TFitsPicture;
// Get Objects of IMAGE extension
Head := Picture.Head;
Data := Picture.Data;
Frame := Picture.Frames[0];
// Edit Header
IndexLine := Head.IndexOf('DATE-OBS');
if IndexLine < 0 then
Head.AddDateTime('DATE-OBS', Now, 'Add datetime');
Head.ValuesDateTime[IndexLine] := Now;
Head.Notes[IndexLine] := 'Set datetime';
// Edit Data
IndexElems := Frame.IndexElems;
CountElems := Frame.LocalWidth;
SetLength(Elems, CountElems);
Data.ReadElems(IndexElems, CountElems, TA64f(Elems));
for X := 0 to CountElems - 1 do
Elems[X] := Elems[X] + 1.0;
Data.WriteElems(IndexElems, CountElems, TA64f(Elems));
// Render
Bitmap := TBitmap.Create;
Region := ToRegion(0, 0, 300, 300);
Frame.Tone.Contrast := 1.2;
Frame.Geometry.Scale(2.0, 2.0, xy00).Rotate(45.0, xy00);
Frame.RenderScene(Bitmap, Region);
Elems := nil;
The data
directory contains samples FITS files
Custom Demo Samples | |
demo-asctable.fits | Primary HDU without data block and ASCII-TABLE extension: 5 x 10 table |
demo-image.fits | Single Image: 2-dimensional primary array 1400 x 1000 with BITPIX = 16 |
demo-simple.fits | Single Image: 1-dimensional primary array 1 x 100 with BITPIX = 8, data block contains a sequence from 0 to 99 |
Official Individual Samples | |
01-HST-WFPC-II.fits | WFPC II 800 x 800 x 4 primary array data cube containing the 4 CCD images, plus a table extension containing world coordinate parameters. This sample file has been trimmed to 200 x 200 x 4 pixels to save disk space |
02-HST-WFPC-II.fits | WFPC II 1600 x 1600 primary array mosaic constructed from the 4 individual CCD chips. Image has been trimmed to 100 x 100 pixels to save disk space |
03-HST-FOC.fits | FOC 1024 x 1024 primary array image, plus a table extension containing world coordinate parameters |
04-HST-FOS.fits | FOS 2 x 2064 primary array spectrum containing the flux and wavelength arrays, plus a small table extension |
05-HST-HRS.fits | HRS 2000 x 4 primary array spectrum, plus a small table extension |
06-HST-NICMOS.fits | NICMOS null primary array plus 5 image extensions 270 x 263 containing the science, error, data quality, samples, and time images |
07-HST-FGS.fits | FGS file with a 89688 x 7 2-dimensional primary array and 1 table extension. The primary array contains a time series of 7 astrometric quantities |
08-ASTRO-UIT.fits | Astro1 Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope 512 x 512 primary array image |
09-IUE-LWP.fits | IUE spectrum contained in vector columns of a binary table |
10-EUVE.fits | EUVE sky image and 2D spectra, contained in multiple image extensions, with associated binary table extensions |
11-RANDOM-GROUPS.fits | This example file illustrates the Random Groups FITS file format which has the keywords NAXIS1 = 0 and GROUPS = T |
The demo
directory contains examples of using the library. Each example is located in a separate directory and has two entry points: Delphi and Lazarus project.
- editdata - reading and editing the Data of the FITS file
- edithead - reading and editing the Header of the FITS file
- makeasctable - make a new ASCII-TABLE extension
- makeimage - make a new IMAGE extension from a BITMAP file
- makeumit - make a new FITS file
- markup - markup of the Official Individual Samples of FITS files
- renderimage - render the IMAGE extension of the FITS file
DeLaFits is used in the CoLiTec project - software package for automatic processing of CCD observations for accurate astrometry and photometry.
The list of known FITS I/O libraries (including DeLaFits) is published in the official resource of the FITS Support Office at NASA/GSFC at NASA/GSFC.
MIT © 2013-2021, felleroff, [email protected]