is a minor-mode of Emacs to change the background color of
the deactive window.
- Emacs 27 or higher
With use-package.el
and vc-use-package.el
(use-package hiwin-mode
(:fetcher github :repo fenril058/hiwin-mode)
(hiwin-mode 1))
With leaf.el:
(leaf hiwin-mode
(:url "https://github.com/fenril058/hiwin-mode" :branch "main")
(hiwin-face . '((((class color) (background light))
(:background "gray90"))))
:global-minor-mode t)
Enable hiwin-mode.
(hiwin-mode 1)
Face for deactive windows. For example;
(set-face-background 'hiwin-face "gray80")
List of the buffer names which do not change background color when they are in a deactive window.
You can custmize this variable BEFORE enabling hiwin-mode
. If you
change it while enabling hiwin-mode
, you have to run
If the value is non-nil
, the background color of the window selected
just before the minibuffer does not change. The default value is nil