This project is about pull specific information of all applications on iTunes.
This proccess has several step. It also has severeal requirements before run.
- There should be rabbitmq-server on your server or your localhost.(However this is long-running process. If there is a static ip server or if connection on the localhost is not break, you can use this server.)
- New user should be added for credential on rabbitmq management system.
- There should be a grid-system which has 50-100 cluster which has anaconda module.
- Install rabbitmq and start the server
- Run the which creates appStore.db database which has information of apps.
- Note: this step may take 7-8 hours to execute. Be patient.
- Note: I also upload an example database which has 1.3 million app id
- After Step 2 done, Run the which sends information rabbitmq server.
- Run the on clusters
- Download environment.yml,, Makefile, on your cluster workspace.
- Run 'make' command how many cluster you want to work
- After Step 3 done, Run which updates appStore.db which you created on Step 2
After all steps, information of applications is ready.
- Static IP: localhost
- Rabbitmq Credentials:
- user: username
- password: password
- Create a virtual environment for python codes
This project is conducted at BU Secure Systems Lab(BUSec LAB) with guidance of Prof. Manuel EGELE. Thanks to him, I have completed the project and learn a lot stuff.