- A Maven plugin for the JITWatch JarScan Tool
The jitwatch-jarscan-maven-plugin integrates JITWatch's JarScan Tool with Apache Maven. It allows you to scan your projects' artifacts and their dependencies during a Maven build. The supported scan modes are:
Please refer to the plugin documentation for all configuration options of this plugin.
The plugin is available on Maven Central. So no further repository configuration is required.
mvn com.github.ferstl:jitwatch-jarscan-maven-plugin:<mode>
# Example
mvn com.github.ferstl:jitwatch-jarscan-maven-plugin:maxMethodSize -Dlimit=325
If you add com.github.ferstl
as <pluginGroup>
to your settings.xml
file, you can just run:
mvn jarscan:maxMethodSize -Dlimit=325
The plugin runs during the verify phase by default in order to be able to scan the artifact which was built in the preceding package phase.
Q: Where is the plugin documentation?
A: Here: http://ferstl.github.io/jitwatch-jarscan-maven-plugin/plugin-info.html
Q: How does this Maven plugin scan the own artifact for a project
A: The plugin runs in the verify phase of the Maven build by default. This phase is after the package phase in the build lifecycle where the JAR file for the project is crated. If you invoke the plugin directly you need to make sure to have a built project artifact in your target
folder. The plugin will log a warning if no artifact is found.
Q: There are no releases or tags of JITWatch at the moment. How do you integrate it?
A: JITWatch is added to this project as Git submodule. The Maven build for this plugin will copy the classes for the JarScan Tool and makes it part of this project. Take a look at the Git repository of this project to see which revision of JITWatch is used.
Build the Plugin:
# Use --recursive for the submodule
git clone --recursive [email protected]:ferstl/jitwatch-jarscan-maven-plugin.git
mvn install
# Alternatively inititialize the submodule after cloning:
git clone [email protected]:ferstl/jitwatch-jarscan-maven-plugin.git
git submodule init
git submodule update
mvn install
Create and deploy the plugin documentation:
mvn site-deploy
Create the Release:
mvn release:prepare -DpreparationGoals="clean deploy site-deploy"
(mvn release:prepare release:perform
does not work because the jitWatch sumodule is not checked out during release:perform