A wkhtmlpdf server.
- avoid deploying wkhtmltopdf and it's dependencies in your application image
- keep the memory requirement of your application pods low while delegating memory hungry wkhtmltopdf jobs to dedicated pods
- easily select the wkhtmltopdf version to use at runtime
The server is not meant to be exposed to untrusted clients.
Several attack vectors exist (local file access being the most obvious). Mitigating them is not a priority, since the main use case is to use it as a private service.
A web server accepting wkhtmlpdf options and files to convert as multipart form data.
It is written in go.
cURL command -
curl --location 'http://localhost:8081/pdf' \
--header 'X-Trace-ID: 123' \
--form 'file=@"/Users/kshitizagrawal/Desktop/repositories/docker-wkhtmltopdf-aas/assets/header.html"' \
--form 'file=@"/Users/kshitizagrawal/Desktop/repositories/docker-wkhtmltopdf-aas/assets/index.html"' \
--form 'file=@"/Users/kshitizagrawal/Desktop/repositories/docker-wkhtmltopdf-aas/assets/footer.html"' \
--form 'margin-top="20"' \
--form 'page-size="A4"' \
--form 'margin-bottom="10"' \
--output "output.pdf"
$ docker compose up
The server should now listen on http://localhost:8080.
The docker image is built for amd64. If you are on Apple Silicon,
you can use it by disabling the Use Rosetta for x86_64/amd64 emulation on Apple Silicon
in the Docker Desktop general settings first.
$ aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-south-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin 909798297030.dkr.ecr.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com
$ docker buildx build -f Dockerfile- --platform linux/x86_64 --load --tag wkhtmltopdf-x86_64:0.0.17 .
$ docker tag wkhtmltopdf-x86_64:0.0.17 909798297030.dkr.ecr.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/wkhtmltopdf-x86_64:0.0.17
$ docker push 909798297030.dkr.ecr.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/wkhtmltopdf-x86_64:0.0.17
Author: [email protected].
Contributors are visible on GitHub.