The script downloads dotnet for compiling, compiles the app, and creates a service file so it can run in the background.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt install git
cd /opt
sudo git clone
cd MMDVM_Reflector/debian
sudo chmod +x
sudo ./
Follow the intructions to install dotnet on your current debian version here:
- Change into the default directory
cd /opt
- Clone the app
git clone
- Change directory into the app
cd MMDVM_Reflector
- Compile the app
dotnet compile
- Run the app:
./opt/MMDVM_Reflector/MMDVM_Reflector/bin/Debug/net8.0/MMDVM_Reflector --config=/opt/MMDVM_Reflector/MMDVM_Reflector/configs/config.yml
clone the repo then open in VS22 and compile