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ScottMacLachlan committed Jan 10, 2025
2 parents 05272b1 + cbf6af4 commit f671062
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Showing 14 changed files with 1,369 additions and 52 deletions.
112 changes: 112 additions & 0 deletions demos/bbm/
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Solving the Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation with Galerkin-in-Time

This demo solves the Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation:

.. math::
u_t + u_x + u u_x - u_{txx} = 0
typically posed on :math:`\mathbb{R}` or a bounded interval with periodic

It is interesting because it is nonlinear (:math:`u u_x`) and also a Sobolev-type equation, with spatial derivatives acting on a time derivative. We can obtain a weak form in the standard way:

.. math::
(u_t, v) + (u_x, v) + (u u_x, v) + (u_{tx}, v_x) = 0
BBM is known to have a Hamiltonian structure, and there are three canonical polynomial invariants:

.. math::
I_1 & = \int u \, dx
I_2 & = \int u^2 + (u_x)^2 \, dx
I_3 & = \int (u_x)^2 + \tfrac{1}{3} u^3 \, dx
We are mainly interested in accuracy and in conserving these quantities reasonably well.

Firedrake imports::

from firedrake import *
from irksome import Dt, GalerkinTimeStepper, MeshConstant

This function seems to be left out of UFL, but solitary wave solutions for BBM need it::

def sech(x):
return 2 / (exp(x) + exp(-x))

Set up problem parameters, etc::

N = 1000
L = 100
h = L / N
msh = PeriodicIntervalMesh(N, L)

MC = MeshConstant(msh)
t = MC.Constant(0)
dt = MC.Constant(10*h)

x, = SpatialCoordinate(msh)

Here is the true solution, which is right-moving solitary wave (but not a soliton)::

c = Constant(0.5)

center = 30.0
delta = -c * center

uexact = 3 * c**2 / (1-c**2) * sech(0.5 * (c * x - c * t / (1 - c ** 2) + delta))**2

Create the approximating space and project true solution::

V = FunctionSpace(msh, "CG", 1)
u = project(uexact, V)
v = TestFunction(V)

F = (inner(Dt(u), v) * dx
+ inner(u.dx(0), v) * dx
+ inner(u * u.dx(0), v) * dx
+ inner((Dt(u)).dx(0), v.dx(0)) * dx)

For a 1d problem, we don't worry much about efficient solvers.::

params = {"mat_type": "aij",
"ksp_type": "preonly",
"pc_type": "lu"}

The Galerkin-in-Time approach should have symplectic properties::

stepper = GalerkinTimeStepper(F, 2, t, dt, u,

UFL for the mathematical invariants and containers to track them over time::

I1 = u * dx
I2 = (u**2 + (u.dx(0))**2) * dx
I3 = ((u.dx(0))**2 - u**3 / 3) * dx

I1s = []
I2s = []
I3s = []

Time-stepping loop, keeping track of :math:`I` values::

tfinal = 18.0
while (float(t) < tfinal):
if float(t) + float(dt) > tfinal:
dt.assign(tfinal - float(t))


print('%.15f %.15f %.15f %.15f' % (float(t), I1s[-1], I2s[-1], I3s[-1]))
t.assign(float(t) + float(dt))

print(errornorm(uexact, u) / norm(uexact))
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions demos/mixed_wave/
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Solving the Mixed Wave Equation: Energy conservation
Solving the Mixed Wave Equation: Energy conservation and explicit RK

Let :math:`\Omega` be the unit square with boundary :math:`\Gamma`. We write
the wave equation as a first-order system of PDE:
Expand Down
130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions demos/mixed_wave/
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Solving the Mixed Wave Equation: Energy conservation, Multigrid, Galerkin-in-Time

Let :math:`\Omega` be the unit square with boundary :math:`\Gamma`. We write
the wave equation as a first-order system of PDE:

.. math::
u_t + \nabla p & = 0
p_t + \nabla \cdot u & = 0
together with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions

.. math::
p = 0 \quad \textrm{on}\ \Gamma
In this form, at each time, :math:`u` is a vector-valued function in the Soboleve space :math:`H(\mathrm{div})` and `p` is a scalar-valued function. If we select appropriate test functions :math:`v` and :math:`w`, then we can arrive at the weak form

.. math::
(u_t, v) - (p, \nabla \cdot v) & = 0
(p_t, w) + (\nabla \cdot u, w) & = 0
Note that in mixed formulations, the Dirichlet boundary condition is weakly
enforced via integration by parts rather than strongly in the definition of
the approximating space.

In this example, we will use the next-to-lowest order Raviart-Thomas elements
for the velocity variable :math:`u` and discontinuous piecewise linear
polynomials for the scalar variable :math:`p`.

Here is some typical Firedrake boilerplate and the construction of a simple
mesh and the approximating spaces. We are going to use a multigrid preconditioner for each timestep, so we create a MeshHierarchy as well::

from firedrake import *
from irksome import Dt, MeshConstant, GalerkinTimeStepper

N = 10

base = UnitSquareMesh(N, N)
mh = MeshHierarchy(base, 2)
msh = mh[-1]
V = FunctionSpace(msh, "RT", 2)
W = FunctionSpace(msh, "DG", 1)
Z = V*W

Now we can build the initial condition, which has zero velocity and a sinusoidal displacement::

x, y = SpatialCoordinate(msh)
up0 = project(as_vector([0, 0, sin(pi*x)*sin(pi*y)]), Z)
u0, p0 = split(up0)

We build the variational form in UFL::

v, w = TestFunctions(Z)
F = inner(Dt(u0), v)*dx + inner(div(u0), w) * dx + inner(Dt(p0), w)*dx - inner(p0, div(v)) * dx

Energy conservation is an important principle of the wave equation, and we can
test how well the spatial discretization conserves energy by creating a
UFL expression and evaluating it at each time step::

E = 0.5 * (inner(u0, u0)*dx + inner(p0, p0)*dx)

The time and time step variables::

MC = MeshConstant(msh)
t = MC.Constant(0.0)
dt = MC.Constant(1.0/N)

Here, we experiment with a multigrid preconditioner for the CG(2)-in-time discretization::

mgparams = {"mat_type": "aij",
"snes_type": "ksponly",
"ksp_type": "fgmres",
"ksp_rtol": 1e-8,
"pc_type": "mg",
"mg_levels": {
"ksp_type": "chebyshev",
"ksp_max_it": 2,
"ksp_convergence_test": "skip",
"pc_type": "python",
"pc_python_type": "firedrake.PatchPC",
"patch": {
"pc_patch": {
"save_operators": True,
"partition_of_unity": False,
"construct_type": "star",
"construct_dim": 0,
"sub_mat_type": "seqdense",
"dense_inverse": True,
"precompute_element_tensors": None},
"sub": {
"ksp_type": "preonly",
"pc_type": "lu"}}},
"mg_coarse": {
"pc_type": "lu",
"pc_factor_mat_solver_type": "mumps"}

stepper = GalerkinTimeStepper(F, 2, t, dt, up0,

And, as with the heat equation, our time-stepping logic is quite simple. At easch time step, we print out the energy in the system::

print("Time Energy")

while (float(t) < 1.0):
if float(t) + float(dt) > 1.0:
dt.assign(1.0 - float(t))


t.assign(float(t) + float(dt))
print("{0:1.1e} {1:5e}".format(float(t), assemble(E)))

If all is well with the world, the energy will be nearly identical (up
to roundoff error) at each time step because the Galerkin-in-time methods
are symplectic and applied to a linear Hamiltonian system.

We can also confirm that the multigrid preconditioner is effective, by computing the average number of linear iterations per time-step::

(steps, nl_its, linear_its) = stepper.solver_stats()
print(f"The average number of multigrid iterations per time-step is {linear_its/steps}.")
123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions demos/preconditioning/
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Solving the heat equation with monolithic multigrid and Discontinuous Galerkin-in-Time

This reprise of the heat equation demo uses a monolithic multigrid
algorithm suggested by Patrick Farrell to perform time advancement,
but now applies it to the Discontinuous Galerkin-in-Time discretization.

We consider the heat equation on :math:`\Omega = [0,10]
\times [0,10]`, with boundary :math:`\Gamma`: giving rise to the weak form

.. math::
(u_t, v) + (\nabla u, \nabla v) = (f, v)
This demo implements an example used by Solin with a particular choice
of :math:`f` given below

We perform similar imports and setup as before::

from firedrake import *
from irksome import DiscontinuousGalerkinTimeStepper, Dt, MeshConstant
from import expand_derivatives

However, we need to set up a mesh hierarchy to enable geometric multigrid
within Firedrake::

N = 128
x0 = 0.0
x1 = 10.0
y0 = 0.0
y1 = 10.0

from math import log
coarseN = 8 # size of coarse grid
nrefs = log(N/coarseN, 2)
assert nrefs == int(nrefs)
nrefs = int(nrefs)
base = RectangleMesh(coarseN, coarseN, x1, y1)
mh = MeshHierarchy(base, nrefs)
msh = mh[-1]

From here, setting up the function space, manufactured solution, etc,
are just as for the regular heat equation demo::

V = FunctionSpace(msh, "CG", 1)

MC = MeshConstant(msh)
dt = MC.Constant(10.0 / N)
t = MC.Constant(0.0)

x, y = SpatialCoordinate(msh)
S = Constant(2.0)
C = Constant(1000.0)
B = (x-Constant(x0))*(x-Constant(x1))*(y-Constant(y0))*(y-Constant(y1))/C
R = (x * x + y * y) ** 0.5
uexact = B * atan(t)*(pi / 2.0 - atan(S * (R - t)))
rhs = expand_derivatives(diff(uexact, t)) - div(grad(uexact))

u = Function(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
F = inner(Dt(u), v)*dx + inner(grad(u), grad(v))*dx - inner(rhs, v)*dx
bc = DirichletBC(V, 0, "on_boundary")

And now for the solver parameters. Note that we are solving a
block-wise system with all stages coupled together. This performs a
monolithic multigrid with pointwise block Jacobi preconditioning::

mgparams = {"mat_type": "aij",
"snes_type": "ksponly",
"ksp_type": "gmres",
"ksp_monitor_true_residual": None,
"pc_type": "mg",
"mg_levels": {
"ksp_type": "chebyshev",
"ksp_max_it": 1,
"ksp_convergence_test": "skip",
"pc_type": "python",
"pc_python_type": "firedrake.PatchPC",
"patch": {
"pc_patch": {
"save_operators": True,
"partition_of_unity": False,
"construct_type": "star",
"construct_dim": 0,
"sub_mat_type": "seqdense",
"dense_inverse": True,
"precompute_element_tensors": None},
"sub": {
"ksp_type": "preonly",
"pc_type": "lu"}}},
"mg_coarse": {
"pc_type": "lu",
"pc_factor_mat_solver_type": "mumps"}
These solver parameters work just fine in the :class:`.DiscontinuousGalerkinTimeStepper`::

stepper = DiscontinuousGalerkinTimeStepper(F, 2, t, dt, u, bcs=bc,

And we can advance the solution in time in typical fashion::

while (float(t) < 1.0):
if (float(t) + float(dt) > 1.0):
dt.assign(1.0 - float(t))
print(float(t), flush=True)
t.assign(float(t) + float(dt))

After the solve, we can retrieve some statistics about the solver::

steps, nonlinear_its, linear_its = stepper.solver_stats()

print("Total number of timesteps was %d" % (steps))
print("Average number of nonlinear iterations per timestep was %.2f" % (nonlinear_its/steps))
print("Average number of linear iterations per timestep was %.2f" % (linear_its/steps))

Finally, we print out the relative :math:`L^2` error::


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