This is just a set of drupal modules. Install it as you would do with any drupal module.
In development purposes, you might want a set of modules to be enabled. Use
module for such purposes. Specify modules that you want to be
enabled as dependencies of this module. The CI configuration automatially
enables this modules, and all its dependencies.
Please find the PHPCS configuration in .phpcs.xml
In order to use the configuration just run phpcs
within the module directory.
Please find the esling configuration in js/gated-content/.eslintrc.js
To run the check execute npm install && npm lint-no-fix
. See
for details.
Automatic code fixing is available with npm lint
The docksal configuration is used to for building the PR builds.
In order to use it you have to install Docksal.
Follow the instruction below to get the working local environment that provides 4 local websites (1 for each base theme and not yet installed Open Y):
mkdir vymca
cd vymca
git clone --branch openy-gc-builds \
[email protected]:fivejars/docksal-for-openy.git .docksal
git clone [email protected]:fivejars/openy_gated_content.git
mkdir -p docroot/libraries docroot/sites/default/config/staging
wget -N
docker volume create --name=composer_cache
fin init
For videos, protected from embed by "Specific domains" you can have an issue with thumbnails download to drupal media. In this case - apply a patch for drupal core:
- patches/OEmbed_vimeo_private_videos.patch - in case of using core media
- patches/video_embed_field_vimeo_private_videos.patch - in case of using video_embed_field module
"extra": {
"patches": {
"drupal/core": {
"JSONAPI wont install (8.7-specific)": ""
If you have error:
TypeError: Argument 6 passed to __construct() must be an instance of EntityTypeManagerInterface
apply patch to composer.json:
"extra": {
"patches": {
"drupal/paragraphs": {
"3079627": ""