Fast and Effective Extraction of Long non-coding RNAs
Version (30/01/2015)
This document is intended to give a (minimal) description of the FEELnc pipeline in order to annotate long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs).
Currently, FEELnc is composed of 3 modules (See Launch FEELnc pipeline for more details):
* : Extract, filter candidate transcripts
* : Compute the coding potential of candidate transcripts
* Classify lncRNAs based on their genomic localization wrt mRNAs
To get help on each module, you can type : --help
# Or --man
The formats used to describe genes, transcripts, exon is .GTF and .FASTA for genome file.
Basically, FEELnc users should have the following minimal input files:
- Infile.GTF (-i,--infile) : input GTF file (e.g cufflinks transcripts.GTF)
- ref_annotation.GTF (-a,--mRNAfile) : GTF annotation file*
- ref_genome.FASTA (-g,--genome) : genome FASTA file or directory with individual chrom FASTA files
* Note: It is recommended to only extract protein_coding transcripts (mRNAs) from the reference annotation file (ref_annotation.GTF) when this information is available, either manually or by using the option : --biotype transcript_biotype=protein_coding. In doing so, you will not remove lncRNAs overlapping other non-coding RNAs or pseudogenes....
The following software and libraries must be installed on your machine:
- Perl5+ : tested with version 5.18.2
- Bioperl : tested with version BioPerl-1.6.924
- Parralell::ForkManager : tested with version 1.07
- R Rscript: tested with version 3.1.0.
- ROCR R library (type "install.packages('ROCR')" in a R session)
- CPAT tool: Coding Potential Assessment Tool: tested with version 1.2.2.
Clone the FEELnc git:
git clone
Go to FEELnc directory
cd FEELnc
export PERL5LIB, FEELNCPATH and add it to your PATH
export PERL5LIB=${PWD}/lib/
export PATH=$PATH:$FEELNCPATH/scripts/
cd test/
# Filter -i transcript_chr38.gtf -a annotation_chr38.gtf \
-b transcript_biotype=protein_coding > candidate_lncRNA.gtf
# Coding_Potential
# Note1 : as a test, the training is only done on 100 tx (-n 100 option) -i candidate_lncRNA.gtf -a annotation_chr38.gtf -g genome_chr38.fa -n 100
# Classifier -i candidate_lncRNA.gtf.lncRNA.gtf -a annotation_chr38.gtf > candidate_lncRNA_classes.txt
The first step of the pipeline (FEELnc_filter) consists in filtering out unwanted/spurious transcripts and/or transcripts overlapping (in sense) exons of the reference annotation and especially protein_coding exons as they more probably correspond to new mRNA isoforms (see -b,--biotype option).
# Usage: -i infile.gtf -a annotation_mRNA.gtf > candidate_lncRNA.gtf
If your annotation contains transcript_biotype information (e.g protein_coding, pseudogene, miRNA...), you can subselect a specific transcript biotype to make the overlap with. -i infile.gtf \
-a annotation_mRNA.gtf \
-b transcript_biotype=protein_coding \
> candidate_lncRNA.gtf
This option is highly recommended if you don't want to remove transcripts overlapping with other transcripts than mRNAs (e.g lincRNA, miRNA, pseudogene...). For stranded RNASeq protocol, it is also possible to include monoexonic lncRNAs that are antisense to mRNAs e.g -i infile.gtf \
-a annotation_mRNA.gtf \
-b transcript_biotype=protein_coding \
> candidate_lncRNA.gtf
- FULL OPTIONS ( --help) :
* General:
--help Print this help
--man Open man page
--verbosity Level of verbosity
* Mandatory arguments:
-i,--infile=file.gtf Specify the GTF file to be filtered (such as a cufflinks transcripts/merged .GTF file)
-a,--mRNAfile=file.gtf Specify the annotation GTF file to be filtered on based on sense exon overlap (file of protein coding annotation)
* Filtering arguments:
-s,--size=200 Keep transcript with a minimal size (default 200)
-b,--biotype Only consider transcript(s) from the reference annotation having this(these) biotype(s) (e.g : -b transcript_biotype=protein_coding,pseudogene) [default undef i.e all transcripts]
-l,--linconly Keep only long intergenic/interveaning ncRNAs [default FALSE].
--monoex=-1|0|1 Keep monoexonic transcript(s): mode to be selected from : -1 keep monoexonic antisense (for RNASeq stranded protocol), 1 keep all monoexonic, 0 remove all monoexonic [default 0]
--biex=25 Discard biexonic transcripts having one exon size lower to this value (default 25)
* Overlapping specification:
-f,--minfrac_over=0 minimal fraction out of the candidate lncRNA size to be considered for overlap [default 0 i.e 1nt]
-p,--proc=4 number of thread for computing overlap [default 4]
* Log output:
-o,--outlog=file.log Specify the log file of output which [default infile.log]
The second step of the pipeline (FEELnc_codpot) aims at computing the CPS i.e the coding potential score (between [0-1]) foreach of the candidate transcripts in the candidate_lncRNA.gtf file.
It makes use of the CPAT tool which is an alignment-free program (thus very fast) which relies on intrinsic properties of the fasta sequences of two training files:
- known_mRNA.gtf : a set of known protein_coding transcripts
- known_lncRNA.gtf : a set of known lncRNA transcripts
However, for most organisms, the set of known_lncRNA transcripts is not known and thus a set of genomic intergenic regions are automatically extracted as the lncRNA training set. In this case, the reference genome file is required (ref_genome.FA)
# Usage: -i candidate_lncRNA.gtf -a known_mRNA.gtf -g ref_genome.FA
To calculate the CPS cutoff separating coding (mRNAs) versus long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), FEELnc_codpot uses a R script that will make a 10 fold cross-validation on the input training files and finally, extracts the CPS that maximizes sensitivity (Sn) and Specificity (Sp) (thanks to the ROCR library)
If your input file is called INPUT, this second module will create 4 output files:
- INPUT.cpat : gathering all CPAT metric together with the CPS for all input tx
- INPUT.Cutoff.png : the .png image of the Two Graphic ROC curves to determine the optimal CPS cutoff value.
- INPUT.lncRNA.gtf : a .GTF file of the transcripts below the CPS (Your final set of lncRNAs)
- INPUT.mRNA.gtf : a .GTF file of the transcripts above the CPS (a a priori new set of mRNAs)
- FULL OPTIONS ( --help) :
* General:
--help Print this help
--man Open man page
--verbosity Level of verbosity
* Mandatory arguments:
-i,--infile=file.gtf/.fasta Specify the .GTF or .FASTA file (such as a cufflinks transcripts/merged .GTF or .FASTA file)
-a,--mRNAfile=file.gtf/.fasta Specify the annotation .GTF or .FASTA file (file of protein coding transcripts .GTF or .FASTA file)
* Optional arguments:
-g,--genome=genome.fa genome file or directory with chr files (mandatory if input is .GTF) [ default undef ]
-l,--lncRNAfile=file.gtf/.fasta specify a known set of lncRNA for training .GTF or .FASTA [ default undef ]
-b,--biotype only consider transcripts having this(these) biotype(s) from the reference annotation (e.g : -b transcript_biotype=protein_coding,pseudogene) [default undef i.e all transcripts]
-n,--numtx=2000 Number of transcripts required for the training [default 2000 ]
-c,--cpatcut=[0-1] CPAT coding potential cutoff [default undef i.e will compute best cutoff]
*Intergenic lncrna extraction:
-to be added
The last step of the pipeline consists in classifying new lncRNAs w.r.t to the annotation of mRNAs in order to annotate.
Classifing lncRNAs with mRNA could help to predict functions for lncRNAs
# Usage: -i lncRNA.gtf -a mRNA.gtf > lncRNA_classes.txt
The classes are defined as in Derrien et al, Genome Research. 2012, i.e :
Intergenic lncRNAs (i.e lincRNAs)
divergent : when the lincRNA is transcribed in an opposite direction (head to head) w.r.t to the closest mRNA
convergent: when the lincRNA is transcribed in a convergent direction w.r.t to the closest mRNAs.
same_strand: when the lincRNA is transcribed in a same starnd w.r.t to the closest mRNA
Genic lncRNAs (lncRNAs overlapping mRNAs)
Exonic :
- antisense : at least one lncRNA exon overlaps in antisense an mRNA exon
- sense : there should not be since there are filtered in the first step
Intronic :
- antisense : lncRNA exon overlaps in antisense mRNA introns (but none exons)
- sense : lncRNA exon overlaps in sense mRNA introns (but none exons)
- antisense : lncRNA intron overlaps antisense mRNA
- sense : lncRNA intron overlaps sense mRNA exons
- FULL OPTIONS ( --help) :
--help Print this help
--man Open man page
--verbosity Level of verbosity
Mandatory arguments:
-i,--lncrna=file.gtf Specify the lncRNA GTF file
-a,--mrna=file.gtf Specify the annotation GTF file (file of protein coding annotaion)
Filtering arguments:
-w,--window=200 Size of the window around the lncRNA to compute interactins/classification [default 10000]
-m, --maxwindow=10000 Maximal size of the window during the expansion process [default 10000]