This python script is used to update your Teamspeak3 Server though it's not a difficult task having a script is convenient. The python script also uses a local sqlite database for tracking the updates to avoid updating the server if not necessary.
This script requires Python3 and pip to be installed.
Also this scripts folder should reside beside the teamspeak server folder for example:
└── usr
└── local
├── teamspeak3-server-updater
└── teamspeak3-server_linux_amd64
$ git clone
$ cd teamspeak3-server-updater
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python3
There are also options available
usage: python3 [-h] [-v] [-f] [-u] [-a ARCHITECTURE]
-h, --help Displays this message
-v, --verbose Prints verbose output
-f, --force Forces an update of the teamspeak server
-u, --update The script updates itself
-a, --architecture Lets you define the architecure (amd64 or x86)
Since the script also checks wether or not it should update you can automate it. The script will also update itself.
Example cronjob:
# Executes every Monday on 3AM
0 3 * * 1 cd /path/to/script && python3 -u >/dev/null 2>&1