A tiny python script which tries to convert LaTex projects into arXiv-format. Any suggestions are welcome.
python arxiv_converter.py -i main_tex_file.tex
-o foldername
Specify output folder. Default: subfolder of input file called "arxiv_version"
Flag. Do not include comments. Default: unset
Flag. Remove output folder if it exists. Default: unset
- python3 compatibility
- the script now supports dynamically generated figures. For example:
- experimental PLOS-ONE converter
- comment cmd generator for latex
- The script creates an output folder,
- parses the input file and generates a new one in the output folder where it:
- inserts the content of all imports (e.g., \import{foo}),
- copies all graphics (e.g., \includegraphics{graphic}) source files into the same folder (enumerate them if two or more have the same name) and replaces the filename in the LaTex file with the new one.
- Finally, it inserts the content of the .bbl file as bibliography (if the .bbl does not exist, it tries to compile it)