A lot of major enhancements. Mostly provided by Eric (ideologysec)
A lot of major enhancements. Mostly provided by Eric (ideologysec) https://github.com/ideologysec
cleanup files and folders
audit tasks enhancements
some smaller bugfix
bugfix variables
update licensefile
update defaults
update gitignore
added missing tags to 6.2.6
added handler load audit rules
Added scored or notscored to all rule plays.
Added rule tags
Added 5.5 and 5.6 to defaults/main.yml
added section tags to tasks/main.yml for easy section testing
cleaned up tasks/post.yml for easy reading + task header standardization; removed "when == Debian" since this is only for Ubuntu systems
standardized order of tags (levels, scored, patch, subsystem, rule, notimplemented).
added cron, sshd, ntp, syslog, and maybe several other tags to various plays to allow bypassing or enabling based on subsystem (mostly section 5)
moved multiple plays for the same rule into a single block (block names are only supported >= Ansible 2.3). This allows for a single "when" to run the entire block, and for nicer code folding. Unfortunately, it does push the minimum requirement from 2.1 *> 2.3; I will look at block syntax without names if backwards compat that far is desired.
switched "restart auditd" to be a service command instead of a command; this is more Ansibley and works on both RedHat and Debian families, with both SysV init and systemd init services. This also tracks with redhatcis
fixed rule 4.1.6 template to conform to the Ubuntu CIS benchmark instead of the RedHat one.
Fixed whitespace issue 1.1.2
Fixed section1 and section4 whitespace and block errors.
Section5 whitespace fixes.
yamlint now passes 100% of all yml files
Fixed rule 4.3
added rule 4_3 to defaults/main.yml
added file touch to rule 4.3
Forgot to write an actual commit message.
Added stat check for 5.4.4
update handlers for docker
updated regex for and
update for 4.3: state: touch always returns an "modified" and idempotence test will fail. bad workaround changed_when: false