Example for unit testing Flask applications with pytest when the function under test uses SQLAlchemy. Adapted from https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/pytest-mocking-cheatsheet-dcebd84876e3
app = Flask(__name__) # instantiate app
app.config.from_object("config.TestingConfig") # load testing config from config.py
db = SQLAlchemy() # instantiate sqlalchemy
db.init_app(app) # link sqlalchemy to app
# Example for a database model
class MyModel(db.Model):
id = db.Column("id", VARCHAR, primary_key=True, unique=True, nullable=False)
# Example route
@app.route("/", methods=['GET'])
def get_value():
mod = MyModel.query.first()
return jsonify(mod.id), 200
def test_get_value(flask_app_mock, mock_my_model, mock_get_sqlalchemy):
""" This test will call the function under test (get_value()) and succeeds if
get_value() returns the ID of MyModel which shall be 'my_mock_id'."""
mock_get_sqlalchemy.first.return_value = mock_my_model
with flask_app_mock.app_context():
response = get_value() # call the function under test
# check if we've gotten our mocked model object
assert response[0].json == "my_mock_id"
def mock_my_model():
This fixture mocks the database model 'MyModel' which will have the id 'my_mock_id'.
This id can be used in the test cases.
my_model = MyModel(
return my_model
def mock_get_sqlalchemy(mocker):
""" This fixture will mock the SQLAlchemy query response from the database """
mock = mocker.patch(
"flask_sqlalchemy._QueryProperty.__get__").return_value = mocker.Mock()
return mock
def flask_app_mock():
""" Flask application mock set up. """
app_mock = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLAlchemy(app_mock)
return app_mock
Make sure that
are installed on your system.
- Run
make install
to install the projects dependencies. - Run
make run
to run the server. - Run
make test
to run the tests.