1.1.0 (2022-06-10)
add article contents accordion control (b014ae1 )
add collapse/expand buttons to root pages (87b65bd )
further refine article contents styling (3d351d1 )
hide UIO table of contents on article pages (9f2ca68 )
improve reading flow for 3 Dimensions articles (d398281 )
improve scaling of expand/collapse buttons (dece94a )
improve spacing btw links in contents (d270bb7 )
make article contents links human-readable (3dfb7a0 )
refine article contents styling (dc4b9cc )
transpile logical props for older browsers (0b99a0d )
Bug Fixes
add focus styles for UIO panel buttons (570223c )
add hover and focus states to home logo link (6c759ea )
add missing hover and focus styles (334632c )
add missing uio enhance css variables (55af65a )
add mixin to reduce duplication (781a5d3 )
address PR review feedback (8137894 )
address review suggestions (details below) (4759d1e )
apply contrast themes to banner image (WIP) (82e9f68 )
apply focus states site-wide & add exceptions (e9debd6 )
disable breadcrumb links for subsections (4ef251d )
fix broken IDRC site link in header (ad109e0 )
improve banner image scaling (75d0008 )
improve Firefox's focus/hover compatibility (ea72336 )
improve home page intro copy readability (95f8fc5 )
improve home page load time and readability (0ad58ad )
improve home page UIO TOC styling (2f95239 )
improve mobile menu button interaction & a11y (b83fc49 )
improve responsive styling for buttons (71a0266 )
improve UIO CSS rules, other styling bugs (da10eba )
include hover/focus styles for certain links (a94c80c )
make ILDH logos respond to contrast themes (3cca138 )
move menu styles into mixin for better BEM (14f31b6 )
refine breadcrumb link hover/focus styling (4583d72 )
refine focus & hover states for UIO, fix bugs (a1ec69e )
refine footer logo scaling rules (6c4a8a6 )
remove BEM violation/hacky selector (7afbb74 )
remove text-size preference, update infusion (9d857a8 )
remove UA outline colour for contrast themes (01e4e34 )
remove unecessary override rules (7a8d259 )
remove unnecessary variable added for debug (29e6f01 )
remove unnecessary wrapping of package func (4133a03 )
rename UIO shortcode to indicate its purpose (1a4dd5c )
restore focus/hover background for all links (8cc2044 )
set contrast theme styling for toolkits icon (4e44834 )
solve bug due to postcss-logical on 404 page (bcb3af0 )
solve content-related accessibility issues (7804940 )
solve css bugs (468a5e8 )
solve flex-related bug in Firefox focus state (9c7c0ef )
solve issue that prevented husky from running (d7e0257 )
switch to scrolling instead of wrapping (3277bce )
update eleventy-plugin-fluid (d92d06d )
update erroneous navigation key (fc34eaf )
update footer styling to better match design (127106b )
wrap code blocks, adjust some content to fit (d87b2e5 )
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