A standalone zig package for building Raspberry Pi Pico applications using the Raspberry Pi Pico's pico-sdk. Use the zig build command to generate a flashable uf2 file.
Use zig fetch command to install this zig package.
zig fetch --save "git+https://github.com/flyfish30/zig-pico-cmake.git"
Or use build.zig.zon file to install this package, add url of this package into dependencies in build.zig.zon file. The relative code as bellow:
.dependencies = .{
.pico_sdk = .{
.url = "git+https://github.com/flyfish30/zig-pico-cmake.git",
.hash = "1220878cc4412efcfb67255b5182e6c7a8d53c86f4d3acaec6ae3e78b88f80dc7706",
The current sample project is in directory samples/blink, this is a blink example. This sample project's configuration is for the Pico W and this is basically the Pico W blink example. You can modify the variable board_name and pico_platform at the top of build.zig for other pico board.
Create a new directory for your new pico application, copy samples/blink/build.zig file of sample project to this directory, modify some variables for your project such as proj_name, board_name, pico_platform, etc. Modify variable root_source_file to your top zig file, or custom your build step of lib. The sample file of build.zig is in bellow:
const std = @import("std");
const pico = @import("pico_sdk").pico_sdk;
// Modify proj_name for your project name
const proj_name = "blink";
// supported board: pico, pico_w, pico2, pico2_w
// Modify board_name for your board
const board_name = "pico2_w";
// supported pico platform: rp2040, rp2350-arm-s, rp2350-riscv
// Modify pico_platform for select arm or risc-v, but the risc-v is not supported.
const pico_platform = "rp2350-arm-s";
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) anyerror!void {
const stdio_type = .usb;
const cwy43_arch = .threadsafe_background;
const board = try pico.getBoardConfig(board_name, pico_platform, stdio_type, cwy43_arch);
const target = try pico.getCrossTarget(pico_platform);
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
const lib = b.addStaticLibrary(.{
.name = "zig-pico",
.root_source_file = b.path("src/main.zig"),
.target = std.Build.resolveTargetQuery(b, target),
.optimize = optimize,
const option = .{
.app_name = comptime proj_name,
.app_lib = lib,
.board = board,
// additional pico libs for application, it is none in blink application
.pico_libs = "",
std.log.info("Begin build app\n", .{});
b.default_step = try pico.addPicoApp(b, option);
Add a build.zig.zon file, add url of zig-pico-cmake to dependencies.
Copy samples/blink/setup_pico_app.sh to this directory, and run this file by bellow command.
. setup_pico_app.sh -p 1220878cc4412efcfb67255b5182e6c7a8d53c86f4d3acaec6ae3e78b88f80dc7706
Before build a pico application, you must set PICO_SDK_PATH environment variable.
export PICO_SDK_PATH=~/Software/pico-sdk
Build a pico application by bellow command.
zig build
Or bellow command for release.
zig build --release=fast
Like in the C Version, you need to adjust the linked libraries in the CMakeLists.txt.
To build this example with the regular non-W Pico, remove the pico_cyw43_arch_none
library from CMakeLists and rewrite main.zig
to not use the W-specific cyw43 functions.