This was an experimental tool that I had hosted on a Shiny server, not currently online. The code works, so feel free to fork/improve/serve it somewhere!
Goal: Illustrate how Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) plans change amounts of renewable electricity and generation rates
The Somerville Community Choice Electricity (CCE) Aggregation plan began July 2017. See the Somerville CCE page for more information. This tool is being updated to include plans of other Massachusetts municipalities as well.
For Somerville, translating the information on the CCE mailer to your bill is not straightforward. The CCE program will acheive stable electricity pricing, increase Somerville's commitment to local renewable energy, and provide residents an option to opt up to 100% local renewable energy as their source of electricity. This calculator attempts to provide an easy way to compare how the options will affect your total bill (including delivery and customer charges), as well as showing the benefits of making the switch by showing the avoided CO2 emissions. The goal is to show that the benefits of 100% local renewable energy can be achieved with a relatively modest increase in a household's bill.
A monthly bill is calculated as follows:
kWh * Generation Rate + kWh * Delivery Rate + Customer Charge