451 commits
to master
since this release
- b5d78aa #minor Documentation fix and refactoring in sandbox (#131)
- 8db28dd #minor Revert "Adopt flyteidl's ordered variable map change" (#180)
- 936a24a #minor Updated Sandbox config, with automated data configuration (#440)
- 2766c18 #minor feat: pagination support for get commands (#234)
- 41e0a40 #none Fix DCO make target (#139)
- 5da69f5 #none add go mod tidy in flyteidl release workflow (#151)
- 81471f1 #none fixed storage config in docs (#138)
- d75142c 3 usability improvements -Named executions, improved connection handling and better logging (#349)
- 2a25558 Absolute path for Source dir (#126)
- dd4655d Add ContentMD5 to fast register upload request (#303)
- 90e01a6 Add Slack button to README (#198)
- 2d65956 Add ability to recover executions (#149)
- 3e4323a Add additional nil check (#156)
- 3e9525f Add commands to fetch active and archived launchplans (#331)
- e2ed562 Add console endpoint config section and init arg (#361)
- 26d976d Add default input default behavior check for scheduler workflow registration (#368)
- 9deb2ec Add deployment docs (#127)
- d330473 Add extra host to start command (#369)
- ab171cd Add pflag binding and fix loading of config (#135)
- aa1f211 Add prefetch functionality for paginator (#5310)
- a64a416 Add support dev cluster (#353)
- d69f4b7 Add support for gate nodes (#399)
- 89cb374 Add upgrade command with some refactor (#152)
- d7e0624 Added Create command (#17)
- bb499a9 Added Github workflow for generating docs (#85)
- 73e4aa3 Added HOMEDIR/.flyte to search path for config.yaml (#59)
- a101cd6 Added Update Execution cli (#261)
- a144275 Added
config init
command (#123) - 6453fab Added arm support (#206)
- 852d7ab Added boilerplate automation (#74)
- 89f6e6f Added capability to relaunch an execution (#52)
- 8924563 Added check before creating empty k8s config (#211)
- 34d7614 Added cluster resource attribute support (#65)
- c2c5649 Added command delete along with subcommand executions for terminating (#34)
- 712fdf8 Added customizable fields during registration (#80)
- b5f332a Added dco signoff preecommit (#89)
- 676f0cf Added different repo for brew release (#46)
- 3b49630 Added docs for demo and updated docs for workflow execution config with more details (#316)
- fc3c99e Added dryRun flag for printing docker command for demo and sandbox (#367)
- 02cf19e Added enableSchedule option on registration and linked missing docs (#324)
- e6855b4 Added endpoint suffix to service user for pkce token saved in token cache (#264)
- 39add71 Added env flag for sandbox start (#273)
- fdd1b15 Added error data and abort data in get execution output (#79)
- 8b1c844 Added exec command in sandbox (#122)
- 19ba5fd Added fast register functionality (#112)
- 2d2c145 Added filters flag (#82)
- 1a904e0 Added flag to pass in CAcerts (#245)
- fe72730 Added flags for using local images in sandbox (#216)
- 517beb9 Added flytectl config by env variable (#91)
- 696065c Added goreleaser dry run in build (#47)
- 400d4b6 Added gpg sign commit for flyte-bot (#92)
- 7a43a97 Added latest version check added (#111)
- 0a23db3 Added launchplan update command and moved namedentity (#170)
- 31ad383 Added minio port in sandbox (#203)
- 002d176 Added node execution data to show inputs and outputs (#136)
- 0f708dd Added non zero return code on error and AlreadyExists as success condition (#71)
- cfde70d Added option to update labels & description in project (#260)
- d5c3133 Added port for postgres in sandbox lite (#308)
- 07fccb1 Added reading of archive files for registration to flyte (#31)
- 6947a2a Added reuseable workflow (#276)
- c5ab11a Added sandbox command (#86)
- bd1d4e5 Added script for checking diff of generated code (#229)
- 5c71337 Added separate release workflow for releasing the binary (#132)
- 179da66 Added source flags in sandbox (#99)
- 0a2ddb2 Added support for arm64 in (#209)
- 4d43aee Added support for execution queue attribute (#66)
- 2762f97 Added support for pyflyte serialize fast register (#248)
- 26f139a Added support for tar.gz in register (#199)
- 4bb9675 Added transparent Get call when fetching latest version of workflow objects (#73)
- caa38e5 Added unit test for covarage (#83)
- b11a9e8 Added unit test for docker (#110)
- cf3ffa1 Added update for named entity (#54)
- 06458f5 Added validation for scheduled workflow during registration (#215)
- 3904146 Added version command (#41)
- 03be16b Added version flag in sandbox (#137)
- 36c1e4f Added version support to workflow command (#64)
- a94cbdd Added workflow flag for get launchplan (#287)
- 3749e3f Adding changes for project level matchable attr api (#357)
- 3da647f Adding flytectl.rst to index (#257)
- c68c5c2 Adding open-source boilerplate (#1)
- d04b1e2 Adding overriden filter for get workflow (#310)
- 9bcf5cc Adding support for ArrayNode (#406)
- 6cf6d1e Adding support for execution cluster label (#68)
- 5f9a2fb Adding support for structured dataset and also for node outputs in details flag (#390)
- 9b05df0 Adding support for workflow execution config (#144)
- 7c31c1e Adopt flyteidl's ordered variable map change (#158)
- 5af33e3 Always use sha for sandbox image (#266)
- a056102 Archive and Update project command (#24)
- 79e8fdd Auto rendering of JSON entities using path (#13)
- 3fb5080 Autodoc generation for cobra commands (#29)
- 790a965 Bind 30080 to 30081 in the case of sandbox (#313)
- dd369af Bind pflags to default variable fields && Remove short flags as they're not supported by pflags (#124)
- 3a48b4a Bug fix in sandbix start (#161)
- 50ee307 Bug fix in sandbox start when sandbox exist (#145)
- b55026e Bump from 1.5.10 to 1.6.26 in /flytectl (#5307)
- 8db9901 Bump in /flytectl (#5313)
- 7b82397 Bump in /flytectl (#5363)
- 8d2b83b Bump from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 (#217)
- cb57beb Bump to v0.23.0 (#5333)
- f05acc7 Bump idna from 3.6 to 3.7 in /flytectl (#5315)
- b36a1f3 Bump jinja2 from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4 in /flytectl (#5329)
- c7d02df Bumped up flyteidl to 0.19.2 (#94)
- 29740e0 Bumped up idl to use insecureVerify flag for remote and fixed docs (#125)
- c673d3b Bumped up the flyteidl version to fix create execution issue (#53)
- 73d9cb7 Bumping go version to 1.19 (#384)
- fc2ac0a Change extra host to host-gateway (#380)
- e3977b1 Changes to 'use' in cmd folder (#235)
- dafa5d7 Changing the default log level which is used by sandbox (#129)
- 35e67f6 Check kubeConfig before starting sandbox (#363)
- b092146 Compile command (#321)
- ee25d67 Consistent language about 'git revision SHA1' (#414)
- 68324ce Consuming device flow IDL (#350)
- e5d11a8 Create executions in flytectl (#39)
- c751289 Created separate rst files for every resource (noun) (#230)
- 440ad31 Demo fit and finish (#317)
- 3414946 Devflow, boilerplate, improved code, formatting and bug fixes (#11)
- 6e20a25 Do not bump version on docs or boilerplate update (#200)
- ce0fd45 Do not upload codecoverage data from boilerplate (#478)
- 083cdbd Doc updates (#398)
- 62dfd32 Documentation setup for FlyteCTL (#26)
- 2cec59b Editorial review (#256)
- e2adac4 Expose buildkit port (#413)
- 931c651 Expose webhook service (#323)
- 2811f53 Feature/get workflow,Task,Domain,Project (#9)
- 22c203b Feature/goreleaser (#27)
- a9a45b3 Feature: update launchplan --archive to --deactivate (#449)
- a4702fb Filtering on activation state of workflows (#305)
- 3be778c Fix "Sandbox" typo on Demo page. (#346)
- 92104a8 Fix --clusterPool argument override (#360)
- 0e3f2a8 Fix case for No string to no (#419)
- a66e669 Fix config init command fails if no flyte dir doesn't exist (#150)
- d033369 Fix docs contribution guide (#197)
- b8770ee Fix docs for updating description using workflow-meta subcommand (#394)
- 1fe32fa Fix flytectl sandbox crash on M1 macs due to json-iterate (#342)
- 8dd8b05 Fix flytectlt tests (#5325)
- b03e86d Fix get task resource attribute comment (#469)
- 86e7647 Fix getAllExample (#320)
- caf9bbc Fix goreleaser (#40)
- 3e329ad Fix grammar test (#272)
- dcc2c09 Fix panic in rendering LP input descriptions (#174)
- d963c7a Fix pod task fast registration template substitution (#184)
- 2e49f75 Fix project status change on update for archived projects (#438)
- 664a604 Fix self-upgrade (#437)
- 09013f7 Fix small bug in rendering table (#14)
- 2657b26 Fix struct generation in execution file (#434)
- c516596 Fix testutils.TearDownAndVerify #none (#424)
- 95fccea Fix the error message for the update cmd (#411)
- 8cad4ed Fix typos
- 8362431 Fix: Check for git authentication when GITHUB_TOKEN exists (#463)
- 7a6ba14 Fixed continueonError bug (#292)
- f3f6765 Fixed create project (#277)
- b58b748 Fixed the non-zero return code issue in archive path (#194)
- 51226d5 Fixed the version bug and also added force flag (#246)
- 9cb07f9 Fixed validation logic for launch plan schedule registration (#280)
- e569acb Fixes in Flytectl (#109)
- 9af534f Fixes the project name and workflow name in the flytectl documentation. (#339)
- f59e5ae Fixup flytectl (#5309)
- 61eb8f2 Flyte Add Enable/Disable Options for Agent Services (#420)
- 3eb2ea3 Flytectl Doc fixes (#38)
- 514375f Flytectl get started updated (#58)
- 6923203 Force go 1.19.10 in goreleaser (#415)
- c17ee3b GH workflow change - publish binary when tag is pushed (#5)
- fb6eb2d Graphviz does not like hyphens #patch (#141)
- ec7c344 Hide global flags by overriding usage template of cobra. (#430)
- 24710f7 Hotfix register example (#172)
- 409c01c Hotfix/config init validation (#250)
- dda6460 Hydrate failure node (#456)
- e8bffb6 Image migration to static resources (#294)
- 49a1122 Implement Fast Register through PreSigned URL (#296)
- 922a8b1 Implement PFlag Value interface for OutputFormat to allow pflag binding (#219)
- d087f35 Improve flytectl config init UX (#241)
- b09e206 Improve register example UX, Moved from argument to version flag. (#222)
- 2322858 Include default MinIO credentials (#410)
- 204d3ea Include workflow execution creation as part of flytectl create workflow (#295)
- 9553923 Increase sleep seconds when waiting for sandbox (#442)
- 4367c0b Index is too verbose for the docs, fix it (#30)
- 5e0c7ec Initial Commit (#3)
- 646201b Initial commit
- 8a8bbc0 Integrate Bubbletea Pagination into get execution (#473)
- f103848 Launch Flyte cluster in the single binary mode (#306)
- ef0e435 Linked configurable options for flytectl config.yaml (#251)
- b708356 Manually pull latest boilerplate (#427)
- 661de8d Matchable resource support in flytectl for task resource attributes (#63)
- 0e61f13 Migrated github methods to githubutil (#268)
- 58f2ab7 Minor updates to Readme (#304)
- 07f158d Misc cleanups to aesthetics (#441)
- 262af6e Mocking github repo service and refactoring (#315)
- 3199afa Modified latest version message (#283)
- 8913631 Monodocs dev build (#448)
- ebe66f2 New Demo image (#370)
- 6a1e06b Node executions (#113)
- f103e41 Oauth support in flytectl (#49)
- 5e967f7 Only pass literals to execution if they users provided values (#105)
- 8b5696e OverwriteCache flag for creating/relaunching executions (#358)
- 1cfb915 Pass k8s account on LP Execution (#100)
- 59340ae Passing security context only if its non empty (#300)
- 1cf79c1 Point Tutorial Youtube video to the correct one (#167)
- b8ee84f Print instruction after teardown (#403)
- 4065cf7 Project domain attribute for workflow Execution config (#298)
- ff172b9 Proposal for flytectl (#2)
- 9a4e5fa Proposal update: Additional details on some commands & aux commands (#12)
- a2c4dd3 Pygments style should default to material (#35)
- 9e3af15 Recognize windows arm as a valid OS+arch combination (#386)
- a2f437f Redirect script (#204)
- 69c6afa Refactor (#275)
- 052316d Refactor get command (#84)
- a0632f0 Refactored the fetcher interface to exclude cmdCtx (#61)
- 48e15a6 Register file and Get executions functionality (#22)
- d98708d Release a new version for each master merge (#96)
- 71e61f1 Remove dependency on unsupported
library (#457) - 9aaba3e Remove duplicate register files (#288)
- d9cdd21 Remove flytekit image priming (#412)
- a0a2fc2 Remove go as dependency of brew formula (#395)
- 2fae848 Remove input output columns for list workflows (#157)
- 1230679 Removed parent flags which are not required as of now (#107)
- b69fc96 Removed storage config and updated boilerplate (#319)
- 4199e65 Removing the ignore on start-node and minor bug fix (#176)
- bc3df4d Rename flag in sandbox (#119)
- 59860c4 Rename flytesnacks flag to sourcesPath (#116)
- eaeb998 Render descriptions in flytectl (#154)
- 49714a3 Require a user ACK or --force flag for update commands #minor (#423)
- f2d8560 Reset default filter in the task_test so that the unit tests can be run individually (#155)
- 3ae90aa Respect project state in project.yaml file (#402)
- efffd57 Sandbox status & Bash completion (#115)
- c6dff3f Schema support idl update (#182)
- b62243b Share demo/sandbox status command logic (#364)
- b484b2f Specify cluster pool when creating execution (#355)
- 5b70d88 Start sandbox logic shared for demo/sandbox cmds #minor (#326)
- 2c3ffc2 Support envs when creating execution (#408)
- cbe889d Support new sandbox-bundled features (#381)
- e2082c0 Supporting generic types through flytectl (#78)
- 1d96987 Task details in table and using jsonpb to print data (#15)
- 09f9d21 Teardown logic shared for demo/sandbox cmds (#329)
- 325b106 The rst file names are in upper case (#237)
- c96ee7f Update --force in doc (#443)
- a462dc0 Update (#118)
- b3ae520 Update FlyteCTL Contribution Guide (#183)
- f9dbf79 Update Flyteidl to avoid having string literal when the value is a simple empty/nil string (#103)
- a87e20b Update Flyteidl version (#114)
- 2fd5e56 Update Flyteidl version (#134)
- c98c23c Update Flyteidl version (#160)
- 249ee04 Update Flyteidl version (#202)
- bdf47b8 Update (#192)
- 44c55f6 Update admin endpoint to use port 30080 in config.yaml (#467)
- 3d86194 Update code of conduct (#148)
- 65dd7f1 Update dependencies for Flyte monorepo migration (#429)
- 9feeb8e Update docs for
flytectl update project
(#458) - 9460d71 Update documentation (#117)
- cf69eaf Update documentation (#128)
- bb62255 Update documentation (#133)
- 5695606 Update documentation (#142)
- 0510aaa Update documentation (#146)
- 5e45344 Update documentation (#159)
- e3c8caf Update documentation (#162)
- 6a8bb24 Update documentation (#173)
- f33a41d Update documentation (#175)
- f8fff0e Update documentation (#196)
- 3c0eaa2 Update documentation (#213)
- 47ee1ef Update documentation (#220)
- f4a7e1e Update documentation (#221)
- 0f9eee8 Update documentation (#223)
- 3064b00 Update documentation (#233)
- cb3193a Update documentation (#239)
- 04d2c53 Update documentation (#247)
- 6453ad8 Update documentation (#249)
- 60b0f1c Update documentation (#253)
- 1784a38 Update documentation (#263)
- f72902e Update documentation (#270)
- f2ad719 Update documentation (#271)
- 7992166 Update documentation (#282)
- 39cb8f3 Update documentation (#286)
- 3421735 Update documentation (#289)
- 1f29a67 Update documentation (#293)
- e22bce6 Update documentation (#301)
- 0a1850d Update documentation (#307)
- 3989ec8 Update documentation (#335)
- 63d38bf Update documentation (#340)
- 305adae Update flyteidl version (#333)
- fce2910 Update flyteidl version (#336)
- ae1f5c0 Update flyteidl version (#341)
- ca54f09 Update help string for 'update task-meta' and 'update launchplan-meta' (#445)
- bbd546e Update launch plan archive help string (#343)
- f24f3a6 Update proposal for create (#18)
- 2d93fcf Update sandbox default config in the docs (#243)
- e3aaedb Update template formate in install script (#48)
- cff5a3d Update typo nodID -> nodeID in execution.go, flytectl_get_execution.rst (#450)
- c664440 Update upgrade.go (#164)
- e292dd9 Update workflow_execution_config (#401)
- 65580de Updated Boilerplate Code (#57)
- 5803702 Updated readthedocs configuration - moved to build.os (#425)
- 3a07da0 Updated version of flyteidl and removed the pinned version (#90)
- 37847d4 Updates the local kubecontext with that of sandbox and switches to it (#255)
- 249cd10 Upgrade IDL version (#382)
- b3c746f Upgrade setup-go (#5328)
- f4ed59f Use GetLatestRelease to list latest non-pre-release flytesnacks version #minor (#279)
- 7c9cf48 Use proto file name to infer message type (#436)
- a295428 Using released IDL version for CACaert flag (#254)
- 096e377 Using security context during registration (#328)
- 7b0145f Using the new pflags which has --bind-default-var functionality (#70)
- c6ef3e7 Visualize graphs on command line (#75)
- d7f247b When preleases are allowed for demo sandbox, simply choose the latest release (#407)
- 308ddc8 [Doc] Updated flytectl uprade command (#297)
- 4752206 [Docs] Flytectl docs cleanup (#210)
- fd190c5 [Housekeeping] Refactor flytectl flags (#212)
- c1d273c [WIP]Exclude generated file from unit test (#143)
- 4dd5f3c [monorepo] Move flytectl gh workflows to monorepo (#5354)
- ce15cf0 add --dryRun flag to flytectl subcommands (#163)
- 06765aa add flytectl docs redirects to monodocs (#454)
- 81a0873 add mainnav icons (#72)
- f727ff6 add monodocs build to ci in flytectl (#446)
- d30de34 add monodocs index page in flytectl (#453)
- 9322c06 add monodocs redirect banner (#452)
- dec585d add port (#265)
- 4d78b8e add the missing exports for demo (#330)
- 1d2d0db add version to pflags (#232)
- 2761a72 added support for helm (#177)
- a2ac19f algolia search (#130)
- 6618d9e bind sandbox port to host system (#165)
- f079e1d bump containderd version (#262)
- 651706b bump containerd (#290)
- 5d69185 bump docker/distribution (#281)
- 40e2b38 bump docsearch version (#258)
- 073c29d bump version containerd (#231)
- 34ed4b0 correct the install command (#16)
- cad9e39 dark theme updates (#45)
- 38aae27 downgrade python version (#87)
- 6898a8e enable --force flag in flyte demo start (#432)
- e93d16c fix algolia search (#179)
- 6a00fb3 fix config in docs (#50)
- d2ef7da fix confusing doc for flytectl delete (#377)
- 6358243 fix create project bug (#291)
- f5473de fix dependencies (#455)
- 5392ada fix gcp parameters... s3 -> google (#147)
- 70c47ed fix panic when get with table output for resource w/o expected output (#168)
- 0c16202 fix: Correctly demultiplex sandbox Docker exec output (#214)
- da9d467 fix: doc-requirements.txt to reduce vulnerabilities (#240)
- c7e543a fix: doc-requirements.txt to reduce vulnerabilities (#334)
- e38e7a0 fix: doc-requirements.txt to reduce vulnerabilities (#416)
- ec3f38b fix: doc-requirements.txt to reduce vulnerabilities (#479)
- e5e923f fix: revert sandbox lite image tag prefix to sha (#312)
- 7f22143 fix: use 'dns:///' instead of 'dns://' (#274)
- 5ff3c6d fixes update message when the version is same (#322)
- d32425d flyetcl version should ignore talking to admin if host is not configures (#318)
- f0930de flytectl demo start should print nicely (#311)
- 460920a flytectl docs (#28)
- 6f9a2aa flytectl sandbox start --image xyz (#195)
- 7f80f02 force flag (#431)
- ac2f7c8 hotfix fast register (#171)
- 8774f00 initial contributing (#8)
- b725a65 install latest flyteidl with monodocs build (#459)
- 73aa818 launch plan command added (#10)
- 122d162 new flytestd libe version added (#93)
- ce18a96 refactor: remove redundant YAML packages (#387)
- e0d7284 remove welcome bot from boilerplate (#337)
- f35bb2e rename upgrade workflow (#332)
- ce7ddc1 to flyteorg (#43)
- 2a9a827 update doc requirements with sphinx v4 (#153)
- 6114a7c update docs based on revamp RFC (#60)
- 1468b6b update docs theme (#44)
- 6f1622f update execution for state changes (#267)
- 4a1ff5e update flytectl for new navbar (#259)
- 727e952 update launch_plan.go (#344)
- 9c10cd1 update launch_plan.go (#354)
- 007a4b1 update links for monodocs (#465)
- de61bd0 use sphinx-design directives instead of sphinx-panels (#471)
- 3b266d7 youtube video embedding for flytectl with walkthrough (#166)