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This code has been archived. The gear is now on GitLab bids-qsiprep



qsiprep configures pipelines for processing diffusion-weighted MRI (dMRI) data. The main features of this software are

  1. A BIDS-app approach to preprocessing nearly all kinds of modern diffusion MRI data. Automatically generated preprocessing pipelines that correctly group, distortion correct, motion correct, denoise, coregister and resample your scans, producing visual reports and QC metrics.

  2. A system for running state-of-the-art reconstruction pipelines that include algorithms from Dipy, MRTrix, DSI Studio and others.

  3. A novel motion correction algorithm that works on DSI and random q-space sampling schemes


The preprocessing pipelines are built based on the available BIDS inputs, ensuring that fieldmaps are handled correctly. The preprocessing workflow performs head motion correction, susceptibility distortion correction, MP-PCA denoising, coregistration to T1w images, spatial normalization using ANTs and tissue segmentation.

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This gear can only be run on datasets that have been BIDS curated and can pass the tests of the BIDS Validator. BIDS curation can be done before uploading data to the Flywheel platform, or DICOM files can be uploaded and BIDS curation can be done on the platform (see Setup below).

This Gear requires a (free) Freesurfer license. The license can be provided to the Gear in 3 ways. See How to include a Freesurfer license file.

This gear can run at the project, subject or session level. Because files are in the BIDS format, all of the proper files will be used for the given session, subject, or separately, by subject, for the whole project.

Setup: BIDS Curation

Before running BIDS curation on your data, you must first prepare your data with the following steps:

  1. Run the SciTran: DICOM MR Classifier gear on all the acquisitions in your dataset. This step extracts the DICOM header info, and store it as Flywheel Metadata.

  2. Run the DCM2NIIX: dcm2nii DICOM to NIfTI converter gear on all the acquisitions in your dataset. This step generates the Nifti files that this gear needs from the DICOMS. It also copies all flywheel metadata from the DICOM to the Nifti file (In this case, all the DICOM header information we extracted in step 1).

  3. Run the curate-bids gear on the project. More information about BIDS Curation on Flywheel can be found here and running the BIDS curation gear is described here. If you need to rename sessions or subjects before curation, you may find the gear helpful: bids-pre-curate.

  4. Run the gear on a session, subject, or project.

Steps 1 and 2 can be automatically carried out as gear rules.

These steps MUST be done in this order. Nifti file headers have significantly fewer fields than the DICOM headers. File metadata will be written to .json sidecars when the files are exported in the BIDS format as expected by the BIDS App which is run by this gear.


To run the gear, select a project, subject or session.

Instead of running at the project level which will sequentially step through each subject, you can launch multiple jobs on subjects or sessions in parallel. An example of running the gear on a subject using the Flywheel SDK is in this notebook. More details about running gears using the SDK can be found in this tutorial.

Run Level

This can run at the project, subject or session level.


bidsignore (optional)

A list of patterns (like .gitignore syntax) defining files that should be ignored by the bids validator.

freesurfer_license (optional)

Your FreeSurfer license file. Obtaining a license is free. This file will be copied into the $FSHOME directory. There are three ways to provide the license to this gear. A license is required for this gear to run.


json file specifying a reconstruction pipeline to be run after preprocessing.


path to a json file with settings for the call to eddy. If no json is specified, a default one will be used. The current default json can be found here:

Configuration Options

Note: arguments that start with "gear-" are not passed to the BIDS App.

n_cpus (optional)

Number of CPUs/cores use. The default is all available.

verbose (optional)

Verbosity argument passed to the BIDS App.

gear-run-bids-validation (optional)

Gear argument: Run bids-validator after downloading BIDS formatted data. Default is true.

gear-ignore-bids-errors (optional)

Gear argument: Run BIDS App even if BIDS errors are detected when gear runs bids-validator.

gear-log-level (optional)

Gear argument: Gear Log verbosity level (INFO|DEBUG)

gear-save-intermediate-output (optional)

Gear argument: The BIDS App is run in a "work/" directory. Setting this will save ALL contents of that directory including downloaded BIDS data. The file will be named "<BIDS App>work<run label>_<analysis id>.zip"

gear-intermediate-files (optional)

Gear argument: A space separated list of FILES to retain from the intermediate work directory. Files are saved into "<BIDS App>work_selected<run label>_<analysis id>.zip"

gear-intermediate-folders (optional)

Gear argument: A space separated list of FOLDERS to retain from the intermediate work directory. Files are saved into "<BIDS App>work_selected<run label>_<analysis id>.zip"

gear-dry-run (optional)

Gear argument: Do everything except actually executing the BIDS App.

gear-keep-output (optional)

Gear argument: Don't delete output. Output is always zipped into a single file for easy download. Choose this option to prevent output deletion after zipping.

gear-FREESURFER_LICENSE (optional)

Gear argument: Text from license file generated during FreeSurfer registration. Copy the contents of the license file and paste it into this argument.


Additional boolean arguments to be passed to QSI prep


create interactive report json files on already preprocessed data.


select a specific acquisition type to be processed.


run anatomical workflows only.


ignore anatomical (T1w/T2w) data and process DWIs only.


configure pipelines to process infant brains.


generate boilerplate only.


treat dataset as longitudinal - may increase runtime.


any value in the .bval file less than this will be considered a b=0 image. Current default threshold = 100; this threshold can be lowered or increased. Note, setting this too high can result in inaccurate results.


window size in voxels for dwidenoise. Must be odd (default: 5). If 0, dwidwenoise will not be run.


Possible choices: none, mrdegibbs

Method for Gibbs-ringing removal. none: no action

mrdegibbs: use mrdegibbs from mrtrix3 (default: none).


skip b0-based dwi spatial bias correction.


skip re-scaling dwi scans to have matching b=0 intensities.


run dwidenoise after combining dwis. Requires --combine-all-dwis.


[DEPRECATED] combine dwis from across multiple runs for motion correction and reconstruction..


don’t attempt to combine dwis from multiple runs. Each will be processed separately.


Possible choices: concat, average, none

How to combine images across distorted groups.

  • concatenate: append images in the 4th dimension
  • average: if a whole sequence was duplicated in both PE
  • directions, average the corrected images of the same q-space coordinate

none: Default. Keep distorted groups separate


write a series of voxelwise bvecs, relevant if writing preprocessed dwis to template space.


Possible choices: T1w, template

volume and surface spaces to resample dwis into

  • T1w: subject anatomical volume
  • template: deprecated. Will be ignored


Possible choices: MNI152NLin2009cAsym

volume template space (default: MNI152NLin2009cAsym)


the isotropic voxel size in mm the data will be resampled to after preprocessing. If set to a lower value than the original voxel size, your data will be upsampled using BSpline interpolation.


Possible choices: Rigid, Affine

Degrees of freedom when registering b0 to T1w images. 6 degrees (rotation and translation) are used by default.


Number of iterations for finding the midpoint image from the b0 templates from all groups. Has no effect if there is only one group. If 0, all b0 templates are directly registered to the t1w image.


Possible choices: Rigid, Affine, BSplineSyN, SyN

Transformation used for building the intramodal template.


Possible choices: iterative, first

align to the “first” b0 volume or do an “iterative” registration of all b0 images to their midpoint image (default: iterative)


Possible choices: Affine, Rigid

transformation to be optimized during head motion correction (default: affine)


Possible choices: none, 3dSHORE, eddy

model used to generate target images for hmc. If “none” the non-b0 images will be warped using the same transform as their nearest b0 image. If “3dSHORE”, SHORELine will be used. If “eddy_ingress”, the dwis are assumed to have been run through fsls eddy.


number of SHORELine iterations. (default: 2)


impute data in slices that are this many SDs from expected. If 0 (default), no slices will be imputed


Possible choices: OASIS, NKI

select ANTs skull-stripping template (default: OASIS)


do not use a random seed for skull-stripping - will ensure run-to-run replicability when used with –omp-nthreads 1


skip running the t1w-based normalization to template space. Default is to run the normalization.


Run the FreeSurfer recon-all pipeline


forces unwarping to use files from the fmap directory instead of using an RPEdir scan from the same session.


fit a B-Spline field using least-squares (experimental)


do not remove median (within mask) from fieldmap (default: True)


EXPERIMENTAL: Use fieldmap-free distortion correction. To use this option, “template” must be passed to –output-space


EXPERIMENTAL/TEMPORARY: Use SyN correction in addition to fieldmap correction, if available


only generate reports, don’t run workflows. This will only rerun report aggregation, not reportlet generation for specific nodes.


a space delimited list of participant identifiers or a single identifier (the sub- prefix can be removed)


"description": "increases log verbosity for each occurrence, debug level is -vvv


Maximum memory to use (MB). default 10240


Write workflow graph


Ignore selected aspects of the input dataset to disable corresponding parts of the workflow (a space delimited list) Possible choices: fieldmaps, slicetiming, sbref