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A tool to parse MEDLINE XML files or download eUtils' PubMed XML, bootstrapping a MEDLINE/PubMed database store, updating and/or deleting the records, and writing the contents of selected PMIDs into flat-files.
[Author] → [Medline] ← [Descriptor] ← [Qualifier] ↑ ↑ [Identifier] [Section] [Database] [Chemical]
- Medline (records)
- pmid:BIGINT, status:ENUM(state), journal:VARCHAR(256), created:DATE, completed:DATE, revised:DATE, modified:DATE
- Author (authors)
- pmid:FK(Medline), pos:SMALLINT, name:TEXT, initials:VARCHAR(128), forename:VARCHAR(128), suffix:VARCHAR(128),
- Descriptor (descriptors)
- pmid:FK(Medline), pos:SMALLINT, name:TEXT, major:BOOL
- Qualifier (qualifiers)
- pmid:FK(Descriptor), pos:FK(Descriptor), sub:SMALLINT, name:TEXT, major:BOOL
- Identifier (identifiers)
- pmid:FK(Medline), namespace:VARCHAR(32), value:VARCHAR(256)
- Database (databases)
- pmid:FK(Medline), name:VARCHAR(32), accession:VARCHAR(256)
- Chemical (chemicals)
- pmid:FK(Medline), num:VARCHAR(32), uid:VARCHAR(256), name:VARCHAR(256)
- Section (sections)
- pmid:FK(Medline), seq:SMALLINT, name:ENUM(section), label:VARCHAR(256), content:TEXT
- bold (Composite) Primary Key
- italic NOT NULL
- ArticleTitle (Section.name
) - VernacularTitle (Section.name
) - AbstractText (Section.name
or capitalized NlmCategory) - CopyrightInformation (Section.name
) - DescriptorName (Descriptor.name MeSH term descriptor)
- QualifierName (Qualifier.name MeSH term qualifier)
- Author (Author)
- ELocationID (Identifier)
- OtherID (Identifier)
- DataBankName (Database.name)
- AccessionNumber (Database.accession)
- SubstanceName (Chemcial.name)
- RegistryNumber (Chemical.uid)
- ArticleId (Identifier; only available in online PubMed XML)
- MedlineCitation (only Status; Medline.status)
- DateCompleted (Medline.completed)
- DateCreated (Medline.created)
- DateRevised (Medline.revised)
- MedlineTA (Medline.journal)
- Python 3.2+
- SQL Alchemy 0.7+
- any database SQL Alchemy can work with
Note that while any SQL Alchemy DB will work, it is strongly discouraged to use any other combination that PostgeSQL and psycogp2, because it is the only combination in SQL Alchemy where data streaming from the DB actually works. You can use other DBs for small MEDLINE collections, but in general, for now, it is recommended to stick to this combo.
MEDLINE has began to use versions to allow publishers to add multiple citations for the same PMID. This only occurs with 71 articles from one journal, "PLOS Curr", in the 2013 baseline, creating a total of 149 non-unique records.
As this is the only journal and as there should only be one abstract per publication in the database, alternative versions are currently being ignored. In other words, if a MedlineCitation has a VersionID value, that records can be skipped to avoid DB errors from non-unique records.
In short, this tool currently only removes alternate citations.
See the general setup instructions for libfnl in the README.
If needed, install all dependencies/requirements:
pip install argparse # only for python3 < 3.2 pip install sqlalchemy pip install psycopg2 # optional, can use any other DB driver
Create the PostreSQL database (optional):
createdb medline
fnlmedline.py [options] URL COMMAND PMID|FILE...
The URL is the DSN for the database; For example:
- Postgres
- SQLite
The tool has five COMMAND options:
- create records in the DB by parsing MEDLINE XML files or by downloading PubMed XML from NCBI eUtils for a list of PMIDs
- write records as plaintext files to a directory, each file named as "<pmid>.txt", and containing most of the DB stored content or just the TIAB (title and abstract)
- insert or update records in the DB (instead of creating them); note that
if a record exists, but is added with
, this would throw an IntegrityError. If you are not sure if the records are in the DB or not, useupdate
(N.B. thatupdate
is slower). delete
- delete records from the DB for a list of PMIDs
- does not interact with the DB, but rather creates ".tab" files for each table that later can be used to load a database, particularly useful when bootstrapping a large collection
For example, to download two PubMed records by PMID and put them into the DB:
fnlmedline.py update 1000 123456
To insert a MEDLINE XML file into the DB:
fnlmedline.py insert medline.xml
Read MEDLINE XML files for dumping large collections:
fnlmedline.py parse medline*.xml.gz
Note that in the last example, because of the suffix ".gz", the parser automatically decompresses the file(s) first. This feature only works with GNU-zipped files and the ".gz" suffix must be present.
Therefore, command line arguments are treated as follows:
- integer values
- are always treated as PMIDs to download PubMed XML data
- all other values
- are always treated as MEDLINE XML files to parse
- values ending in ".gz"
- are always treated as gzipped MEDLINE XML files
Please be aware that the MEDLINE baseline is not unique, meaning that it
contains a few records multiple times (see the above notice about the VersionID).
For example, in the 2013 baseline, PMID 20029614 is present ten times in the
baseline, each version at a different stage of revision. Because it is the first
entry (in the order they appear in the baseline files) without a VersionID that
seems to be the relevant record, it is possible to filter these duplicates while
doing a parse
, insert
or update
by using the --uniq
option. This
will simply skip citations that have a VersionID other than 1.
To quickly load a parsed dump into a PostgreSQL DB on the same machine, do:
for table in records descriptors qualifiers authors sections databases identifiers chemicals; do psql medline -c "COPY $table FROM '`pwd`/${table}.tab';"; done