Copyright (C) 2022-2023 The Open Library Foundation
This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more information.
APIs for managing dcb transactions in folio.
dcb API provides the following URLs:
Method | URL | Permissions | Description |
GET | /transactions/{dcbTransactionId}/status | dcb.transactions.get | Gets status of transaction based on transactionId |
POST | /transactions/{dcbTransactionId} | | create new transaction |
PUT | /transactions/{dcbTransactionId}/status | dcb.transactions.put | Update the status of the transaction and it will trigger automatic action if needed |
GET | /transactions/{dcbTransactionId}/status | dcb.transactions.collection.get | get list of transaction updated between a given query range |
Compile with
mvn clean install
Run locally on listening port 8081 (default listening port):
Using Docker to run the local stand-alone instance:
DB_HOST=localhost DB_PORT=5432 DB_DATABASE=okapi_modules DB_USERNAME=folio_admin DB_PASSWORD=folio_admin \
java -Dserver.port=8081 -jar target/mod-dcb-*.jar
Build the docker container with:
docker build -t dev.folio/mod-dcb .
See the built target/ModuleDescriptor.json
for the interfaces that this module
requires and provides, the permissions, and the additional module metadata.
Name | Default value | Description |
DB_HOST | postgres | Postgres hostname |
DB_PORT | 5432 | Postgres port |
DB_USERNAME | folio_admin | Postgres username |
DB_PASSWORD | - | Postgres username password |
DB_DATABASE | okapi_modules | Postgres database name |
KAFKA_HOST | kafka | Kafka broker hostname |
KAFKA_PORT | 9092 | Kafka broker port |
KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL | PLAINTEXT | Kafka security protocol used to communicate with brokers (SSL or PLAINTEXT) |
KAFKA_SSL_KEYSTORE_LOCATION | - | The location of the Kafka key store file. This is optional for client and can be used for two-way authentication for client. |
KAFKA_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD | - | The store password for the Kafka key store file. This is optional for client and only needed if 'ssl.keystore.location' is configured. |
KAFKA_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION | - | The location of the Kafka trust store file. |
KAFKA_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD | - | The password for the Kafka trust store file. If a password is not set, trust store file configured will still be used, but integrity checking is disabled. |
ENV | folio | Environment. Logical name of the deployment, must be set if Kafka/Elasticsearch are shared for environments, a-z (any case) , 0-9 , - , _ symbols only allowed |
SYSTEM_USER_NAME | dcb-system-user | Username of the system user |
SYSTEM_USER_PASSWORD | - | Password of the system user |
SYSTEM_USER_ENABLED | true | Defines if system user must be created at service tenant initialization or used for egress service requests |
ACTUATOR_EXPOSURE | health,info,loggers | Back End Module Health Check Protocol |
The module uses system user to communicate with other modules.
For production deployments you MUST specify the password for this system user via env variable:
See project MODDCB at the FOLIO issue tracker.
See the built target/ModuleDescriptor.json
for the interfaces that this module
requires and provides, the permissions, and the additional module metadata.
This module's API documentation.
When creating a DCB transaction with the roles LENDER or BORROWING-PICKUP,
the creation of the DCB service point and its property hold shelf expiration period
depends on the values stored in the service_point_expiration_period
table in the database.
- If the table is empty, the hold shelf expiration period will be set to the default value of 10 Days.
- If the table contains a value, the stored value will be used instead.
The F.S.E. team is responsible for updating the values in this table. To update the values, the following PL/pgSQL script can be executed:
schema_name TEXT;
new_duration INTEGER := 3; -- Duration in weeks
new_interval_id interval_id := 'Weeks'; -- Interval type
raw_id UUID;
sql_query TEXT;
FOR schema_name IN
SELECT schemaname
FROM pg_tables
WHERE tablename = 'service_point_expiration_period'
-- Select a single ID into raw_id dynamically
sql_query := format(
'SELECT id FROM %I.service_point_expiration_period LIMIT 1',
EXECUTE sql_query INTO raw_id;
-- If no record exists, insert one; otherwise, update the existing record
sql_query := format(
'INSERT INTO %I.service_point_expiration_period (id, duration, interval_id)
VALUES (gen_random_uuid(), %L, %L)',
schema_name, new_duration, new_interval_id
sql_query := format(
'UPDATE %I.service_point_expiration_period
SET duration = %L, interval_id = %L
WHERE id = %L',
schema_name, new_duration, new_interval_id, raw_id
-- Execute the query
EXECUTE sql_query;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Updating Values in the Table
To update the values, simply modify the new_duration and new_interval_id variables in the DECLARE section
of the script to reflect the new values.
Expiration Period Handling
For Existing Service Points
When creating a new transaction with an existing DCB service point, the hold shelf expiration period
will be checked.
If the value in the transaction payload differs from the value stored
in the database, it will be updated accordingly.
The built artifacts for this module are available. See configuration for repository access, and the Docker image. Look at contribution guidelines Contributing.