Projects in the oven, look at them, they are so HOT!
the Python Coding Education (be the Change)(Python)
Photogrametry Studies
AliceVision_Photogrametry.ipynb is the AliceVision aplication for in-cloud GPU Photogrametry studies. (Python)
PIFuHD_Demo.ipynb is the Facebook application for in-cloud GPU Photogrametry studies. (Python)
Mathematics Studies
Mandelbrot.ipynb Mandelbrot set studies. (TensorFlow API)(Python)
BigData Studies
Ações_Analises.ipynb Brazilian picked stocks analisis studies on its perfomances. (Yahoo Finance API)(Python)
Ações_Analises2.ipynd Brazilian picked stocks analisis studies on moving avarage, also defining intervals. (Yahoo Finance API)(Python)
Ações_Analises3.ipynd Brazilian picked stocks analisis studies using pyfolio aiming the backtesting. (Yahoo Finance API)(Python)
Ações_Analises4.ipynd Brazilian random picked stoks on monkey portfolio model for perfomance analisis studies. (Yahoo Finance API)(Python)
Ações_Analises5.ipynd Brazilian stock market studies on deviation, median and -12% returns over the time(data). (Yahoo Finance API)(Python)
Ações_Analises6.ipynd Brazilian picked stocks listed according to the Joel Grenblatt magic formula. (Panda scraping method)(Python)
AçÕes_Analises7.ipynd Brazilian picked stocks analisis studies on its perfomance. (Alpha Vantage API)(Python)
Séries_AnalisesxAções_Analises8.ipynb Brazilian Price indexes studies x Price indexes confrontation on Brazilian stock index. (SGS API + Yahoo Finance API)(Python)
Séries_Analises2xAções_Analises9.ipynb Brazilian Stocks Market Indexes(including USD and EUR reflections) x Picked stocks analysis.(Investpy API)(Python)
Analises_Ações10.ipynb Brazilian stock market list and data preservation on cloud. (Gsheet API)(Panda scraping method)(Yahoo Finance API)(Python)
Source_Ações_Analises11 Brazilian stock market studies on Google Data Studio Report Manipulation (Gsheet API)(Pandas Scraping method)(Python) + (Google Studio) at [] Unfortunately, Google is not allowing Data Studio reports to be share wisely.
Fundos_Analises.ipynd Brazilian picked Funds studies on its perfomances. (Investpy API)(Python)
Fundos_Analises2.ipynb Brazilian picked Funds studies on its perfomances. (CVM Data lake)(Python)
Juros_Analises.ipynb Brazilian Bonds studies on its perfomances. (Investpy API)(SGS API)(Python)
FIIs_aovivo_△.ipynb Brazilian Reit options studies getting data from gsheet. (Gshet API)(Python)
FIIs.html []Brazilian Reit options studies in http aplication for Gsheet. (Web backend)(Html)(Gshet scraping method)
Google_Drive_101.ipynb Exercises on Gsheet conection and handling. (Gshet API)(Python)
Selenium_101.ipynb Exercises on Selenium navigation and handling. (Selenium API)(Python)
ftp_download_to_today_folder.ipynb FTP fetching lastest modificated file, downloading and salving it in today yyyy/mmmm/dd format created subfolders. (Python)
ftp_fetching_getting.ipynb Fetch lastest modificated data from given ftp server and download it. (Python)
mk_dir_date.ipynb Make today yyyy/mmmm/dd format subfolders. (Python)
Investidor Squad[] Investor colaborative bookmarks. (Notion)
Blockchain Studies
/Kryptotag [] KRYPTOTAG: ETIQUETA BASEADA NO PROTOCOLO ETHEREUM BLOCKCHAIN PARA ÓRTESES, PRÓTESES E MATERIAIS ESPECIAIS (OPME). Master in Science product ( under PHD Medical Doctor Professor Mrs. Lydia Masako Ferreira orientation and PHD Medical Doctor Mrs. Elaine Horibe Song co-orientation. Please, fell welcome to access the products: KRYPTOTAG: LABEL BASED ON BLOCKCHAIN ETHEREUM PROTOCOL FOR ORTHROS, PROSTHESES AND SPECIAL MATERIALS (OPME) thesis, in Portuguese. and (Web backend)(html)(Java Script)(Solidity)
Android Development Studies
/com.cura.altf.helloworld-v1.0 [] Cura is a healthcare professional uberization app delivered as proof of concept and work. [] previus at Google PlayStore. Find a healthcare professional near you now ❤ With just three steps, Cura will help you find the Healthcare Professional closest to you without you having to register. Our mission is to facilitate your meeting with your nearest Healthcare Professional without you having to ask around. ❤ The project of André Luiz Torres da Fonseca Júnior is the result of a oriented project by Dr. Lydia Massako Ferreira, co-supervised by Dr. Elaine Horibe Song, presented to the Professional Master in Science, Technology and Management at the Escola Paulista de Medicina da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. All rights reserved. (Web backend)(SQL)(WordPress)(Html)
Dra. Caroline Kroeff - Cirurgiã Plástica Youtube channel [] Set-ups on her Youtube channel. Branded and partner channel, Google Business and Monetization preparation. Growth Hacking and marketing business strategy. Content edition and publishing. (Youtube)(Shotcut)(Gimp)
Process Tools
the very vagabond clever way to schedule a run into a colab jupyter notebook from an android phone [] or [] + hello_world.macro (Macrodroid)(Python)
Hyper-customized Handwriting tool for free using LibreOffice impress. [] + preview.odp (Impress)
How to download all pictures from an Instagram profile in 30 seconds (also includes igtv). [] (Python)