Powerful Shodan client written using RxJava and Retrofit. You can integrate this client into existing apps or create new one. With this Shodan client you can:
- Search Shodan
- Exploit search
- Streaming API to consume Shodan data in real time (in development)
If you use gradle add to your build.gradle
repositories {
Also you can use maven central
repositories {
And in your dependencies block add this line
compile 'com.fooock:jshodan:0.4.9'
or if you are using maven add to you pom.xml
You need an API key to use this client. You can do this in Shodan.io
- Rest API
ShodanRestApi api = new ShodanRestApi("your api key here");
A simple example of query Shodan with facet info. Note that executing this query consumes 1 query credit
api.hostSearch("port:8333", "bitcoin.ip:10,city:10")
.subscribe(new DisposableObserver<HostReport>() {
public void onCompleted() {
// called when the request is completed
public void onError(Throwable e) {
// called if an error occurs
public void onNext(HostReport hostReport) {
// result of the query
The result of this, if success, is an object HostReport
that contains all info.
int total = hostReport.getTotal();
List<Banner> banners = hostReport.getBanners();
FacetReport facet = hostReport.getFacet();
You can use other method calls from the rest API. See the ApiService class for a complete list.
- Exploit API Use this API to search for exploits from multiple data sources like Exploit DB, Metasploit and CVE. The use of this API is very simply and similar to the previous
ShodanExploitApi api = new ShodanExploitApi("your api key here");
A simple example
api.search("ssl", "type")
.subscribe(new DisposableObserver<ExploitReport>() {
public void onCompleted() {
// called when the request is completed
public void onError(Throwable e) {
// called if an error occurs
public void onNext(ExploitReport exploitReport) {
// result of the query
The result of this call, if success, is ExploitReport
class that contains all info
- Streaming API This API returns a real-time stream of data collected by Shodan.
ShodanStreamingApi api = new ShodanStreamingApi("your api key here");
Example to get all data that Shodan collects
.subscribe(new DisposableObserver<BannerReport>() {
public void onCompleted() {
// called when the request is completed
public void onError(Throwable e) {
// called if an error occurs
public void onNext(BannerReport bannerReport) {
// result of the query
Note: To use the streaming API you need a Shodan subscription-based API plan. You can obtain it in Shodan pricing
If your plan is to create a new Android app using this, you need to add this dependency
compile 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid:x.y.z'
- RxJava2 for its reactive-functional API
- Retrofit HTTP client for Android and Java
- Gson Retrofit converter A converter wich uses Gson for serialization to and from JSON
- RxJava2 adapter for Retrofit An adapter for rxJava2 types
Enjoy it!
- Testing
- Documentation
- Better readme with more examples