This gem allows you to add multiple different rating criteria to your ActiveRecord based model. It provides column-caching, a polymorphic association for raters and works with both Rails 2 and 3.
It's a pure model gem and does not provide any view methods. Prototype, jQuery and company provide all excellent methods and plugins for this.
Rails 2:
Not supported anymore.
Rails 3:
Add the gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'rating_for'
Generate the migration to create the tables and run it:
rails g rating_for:migration
rake db:migrate
Let's say you want to rate hotels by different criteria, like room service or quality. Then your model hotel.rb should look like this:
class Hotel < ActiveRecord::Base
rating_for :room_service
rating_for :quality
You can add ratings like this:
four_seasons = Hotel.find_by_name("Four Seasons")
rating = => 7)
marriott = Hotel.find_by_name('Marriott')
marriott.rating_for_room_service << rating
You can also assign raters to your ratings, e.g. customers
class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
or newspapers
class Newspaper < ActiveRecord::Base
by simply adding them to your rating:
a_customer = Customer.find(1)
nytimes = Newspaper.find_by_name("New York Times")
four_seasons.rating_for_quality.add(10, a_customer)
marriott.rating_for_room_service << => nytimes, :value => 8)
Search over ratings is also possible:
hotels = Hotel.find_where_quality_has_average_rating_of(10)
hotel1 = hotels.first
=> "Four Seasons"
=> 10.0
- Add more (better) query methods
- Add more examples
Copyright (c) 2012 Frane Bandov, released under the MIT license