Generate a rendered HTML preview image from a website URL or HTML snippet.
Install this app using the bench CLI:
bench get-app $URL_OF_THIS_REPO --branch develop
bench install-app preview_generator
You might need to install Playwright for the app to work. You can do this by running the following commands:
source $PATH_TO_YOUR_BENCH/env/bin/activate
playwright install
Make a POST request to /api/method/preview_generator.api.generate_preview_from_url
with the following parameters:
"url": "", // URL of the webpage for which you want to genetate a preview
"wait_for": 5000, // In milliseconds, optional, default is 0
"headers": {}, // Optional, headers to be provided when visiting the URL
"format": "webp" // Optional, default is "jpg"
Note: The URL passed should be publicly accessible.
Make a POST request to /api/method/preview_generator.api.generate_preview
with the following parameters:
"html": "<html><body><h1>Hello World</h1></body></html>", // Your HTML content
"format": "webp" // Optional, default is "jpg"
This will return a preview image.
MIT License