The source code for our 2013 FRC robot named Cynisca.
Install the relevant FRC toolchain for your platform (see Make sure the toolchain is
placed in ~/wpilib/2020/roborio
(Linux) or
Install the following OS packages.
- gcc >= 7.3.0
- python >= 3.6
- rsync (optional, for CSV logging)
Install the following python packages via pip3 install --user package_name
- wpiformat (optional)
We use the latest version of clang-format with wpiformat for C++ formatting.
./gradlew build
This runs a roboRIO and desktop build and runs the desktop tests.
./gradlew deploy
This runs a roboRIO build if needed, copies the resulting binary to a roboRIO at, and restarts it.
./gradlew doxygen
This command generates HTML documentation for the robot code from in-source
Doxygen comments. The results are placed in a docs/html
folder with an
page as the root.
Open shuffleboard and select the desired autonomous mode from the dropdown menu. When the indicator next to the menu turns from a red X to a green checkmark, the robot has confirmed the selection.
See this for details on how the robot side works.