Another authentication plugin for CaddyServer (v1)
For CaddyServer V2 Please caddy2-reauth
Provides a common basis for various and multiple authentication systems. This came to be as we wanted to dynamically authenticate our docker registry against gitlab-ci and avoid storing credentials in gitlab while still permitting users to log in with their own credentials.
The following backends are supported.
With more to come...
The following failure handlers are supported.
The core of the plugin supports the following arguments:
Parameter-Name | Description |
path | the path to protect, may be repeated but be aware of strange interactions with except (required) |
except | sub path to permit unrestricted access to (optional, can be repeated) |
failure | what to do on failure (see failure handlers, default is HTTPBasic) |
reauth {
path /
except /public
except /not_so_secret
Along with these two arguments you are required to specify at least one backend.
Through experimentation by @mh720 (Mike Holloway) it has been discovered that if you need spaces in your configuration that the best bet is to use unicode escaping.
For example:
I imagine this would allow you to escape any character you need this way including quotes.
This is the simplest plugin, taking just a list of username=password[,username=password].
simple user1=password1,user2=password2
Authentication against an upstream http server by performing a http basic authenticated request and checking the response for a http 200 OK status code. Anything other than a 200 OK status code will result in a failure to authenticate.
Parameters for this backend:
Parameter-Name | Description |
url | http/https url to call |
skipverify | true to ignore TLS errors (optional, false by default) |
timeout | request timeout (optional 1m by default, go duration syntax is supported) |
follow | follow redirects (disabled by default as redirecting to a login page might cause a 200) |
cookies | true to pass cookies to the upstream server |
match | used with follow, match string against the redirect url, if found then not logged in |
upstream url=,skipverify=true,timeout=5s
upstream url=,skipverify=true,timeout=5s,follow=true,match=login
Authentication with Refresh Token against configurable endpoints with response caching and cache entry expiration times. If failure conditions in the configuration file are met a 401 is returned otherwise result will be successful.
This module is designed to be used with the caddy-secrets plugin, a yaml file with a reauth
object with an endpoints
array will hold configurations for endpoints and how they work together for auth service.
Parameters for this backend:
Parameter-Name | Description |
url | http/https url to call |
skipverify | true to ignore TLS errors (optional, false by default) |
timeout | request timeout (optional 1m by default, go duration syntax is supported) |
follow | follow redirects (disabled by default as redirecting to a login page might cause a 200) |
cookies | true to pass cookies to the upstream server |
limit | int to set response size limit for endpoint requests (default 1000) |
lifetime | time interval that a file cached by this module will remain valid (default 3 hours) |
cleaninterval | time interval to clean cache of expired entries (default 1 second) |
- Caddyfile
refresh url=,skipverify=true,timeout=5s,lifetime=3h,cleaninterval=1s,limit=1000
- Secrets file
client_authorization: 1 # authorization flag (required) - 0/1 whether to check for Authorization header, 2 will throw 500 if missing
Authorization access token stored in 'ResultsMap' under 'client_token' key
endpoints # endpoints array (required)
- name: refresh # endpoint of name 'refresh' (required)
url: null
path: "/access_token"
method: POST # auth request method (required) - at the moment only POST and GET are handled (value must be in caps)
data: # data array (required)
- key: grant_type
value: refresh_token
- key: refresh_token # object with 'refresh_token' key (required)
value: <refresh token to get access token> # value (required) - holds actual refresh token to request access token with
cachekey: refresh_token
- key: Content-Type
value: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
skipverify: true
cookies: true
responsekey: jwt_token
- validation: equality # there are 3 types of validation, 'equality' will have auth fail if
key: message # response body value under failure object key equality failure object value
value: Forbidden
valuemessage: false
message: "Refresh access token failed"
# access token is stored in 'ResultsMap' under 'refresh' key
- name: security_context # endpoint responses get stored in 'ResultsMap' under the name of the endpoint
url: # url value should be set if endpoint uses different url than one in Caddyfile
path: "/security_context" # path is concatenated after url for request
method: GET # request method, GET will put data params in query, POST will encode form
data: # data needed for request
- key: access_token
value: "{client_token}" # surrounding keys with {}'s will have them replaced by values in 'ResultsMap'
cachekey: client_token # cache entry key
headers: # keys and values to set on endpoint request headers
- key: Authorization
value: "Bearer {refresh}" # surrounding keys with {}'s will have them replaced by values in 'ResultsMap'
skipverify: true # whether endpoint request should use Caddyfile skipverify configuration
cookies: true # whether endpoint request should use Caddyfile cookies configuration
responsekey: null # if set, the key will be used to pull value from endpoint response
- validation: presence # 'presence' validation will have auth fail if response body has failure object key
key: error
value: ~
valuemessage: true # if valuemessage bool is true, response object value under failure object key
message: "Security context error: " is concatenated to failure message
- validataion: status # 'status' validation will have auth fail if endpoint response status
key: ~ matches failure object value
value: 401
valuemessage: false
message: "Security context unauthorized"
resultkey: security_context # last endpoint response stored in 'ResultsMap' is passed down caddy filter chain
in a query param with the key named after 'resultkey' value
Authenticate against Gitlab as the gitlab-ci-user for the purposes of letting the gitlab-ci access otherwise protected resources without storing credentials in gitlab or gitlab-ci.yml. Works basically like the [Upstream]#upstream backend except the username you provide is the project path
Parameters for this backend:
Parameter-Name | Description |
url | http/https url to call |
skipverify | true to ignore TLS errors (optional, false by default) |
timeout | request timeout (optional 1m by default, go duration syntax is supported) |
gitlabci url=,skipverify=true,timeout=5s
Example of logging in via gitlab-ci.yml
docker login -u "$CI_PROJECT_PATH" -p "$CI_BUILD_TOKEN"
Authenticate against a specified LDAP server - for example a Microsoft AD server.
Parameters for this backend:
Parameter-Name | Description |
url | url, required - i.e. ldap:// |
tls | should StartTLS be used? (default false) |
username | (read-only) bind username - i.e. ldap-auth |
password | the password for the bind username |
insecure | true to ignore TLS errors (optional, false by default) |
timeout | request timeout (optional 1m by default, go duration syntax is supported) |
base | Search base, for example "OU=Users,OU=Company,DC=example,DC=com" |
filter | Filter the users, eg "(&(memberOf=CN=group,OU=Users,OU=Company,DC=example,DC=com)(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s))" |
principal_suffix | suffix to append to usernames (eg: |
pool_size | size of the connection pool, default is 10 |
ldap url=ldap://,timeout=5s,base="OU=Users,OU=Company,DC=example,DC=com",filter="(&(memberOf=CN=group,OU=Users,OU=Company,DC=example,DC=com)(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s))"
This is the default failure handler and is by default configured to send the requested host as the realm
Parameters for this handler:
Parameter-Name | Description |
realm | name of the realm to authenticate against - defaults to host |
failure basicauth
Redirect the user, perhaps to a login page?
Parameters for this handler:
Parameter-Name | Description |
target | target url for the redirection, supports {uri} for redirection (required) |
code | the http status code to use, defaults to 302 |
failure redirect,code=303
Example with uri
failure redirect target=/auth?redir={uri},code=303
Simplest possible failure handler, return http status $code
Parameters for this handler:
Parameter-Name | Description |
code | the http status code to use, defaults to 401 |
failure status code=418
Modularise the failure handlers...
- Have embedded in lib/caddy-secrets for easier maintenance.