- Make sure node and your prefered package manager is installed. I use yarn but the default npm works great. To make sure node is installed run the command below. It should return something like
node --version
- Next clone and cd into the repo with the command below. If you get an error seperate the command at the
and run them independently.
git clone https://github.com/OrangeDrangon/FreshGRLC-Bot.js.git && cd FreshGRLC-Bot.js
- Use your desired package manager to install the dependencies with the command below. The example will be for
npm install
Copy the config.example.ts and rename it config.ts. Then fill in the parameters.
Build the bot with the command below.
npm run build
- Run the bot any time after build with the command below.
npm run start
Also you need a mongo instance but that is not my job to walk you through.
From there everything should be good to go.