This repository contains several basic UI templates accompanied by quite a lot of notes in the hope that you can understand the code made in them, besides that there are also several implementations of certain packages/libraries in them.
This repository is very useful for new Flutter developers to understand more or less the usage of widgets in some conditions, besides that not only widgets but also there are examples of implementing modeling which is very helpful later if you want to call API.
Feel free to use this template with the hope that many new Flutter developers will be helped and become even happier with making applications using Flutter. All the templates here are made with the Flutter cli, and have also been created without any issues in them that have been analyzed with the Flutter Analyze function.
This is some use of package/library in one of the templates
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd flutter_template_ui
Install dependencies
- using flutter cli and vscode
Don't forget to run:
flutter clean
After that run:
flutter pub get
Run without debug
- Windows user
ctrl + f5