Releases: frzyc/genshin-optimizer
Releases · frzyc/genshin-optimizer
- Update calculations using a lazy loading formula system. Less hard-coded calculations!
- Uber optimize the build generation calculations. However, because of the new calculation system, performance remains pretty much the same...
- cleaned up NPM packages in package.json
- Renamed "Average ATK" values to the more appropriate "Avg. DMG"
- Add rolls information to artifacts/ artifact editor
- Layout change of artifact editor
- Limit the amount of artifacts shown in artifact page.
- Change the overall gutter size of elements on the entire site(space between elements were too big)
- Fix incorrect conditional stat calculation with the 4-set Crimson Witch of Flames
- Fix error where there was an unintentional stacking addition of artifact passives for the build generator
- Add new images with screenshots due to layout change
- Update Home page.
- Added icons for every piece of artiacts
- Increase the threshold of rounding fuzziness to roll calculations.
- Modified artifact spacing in character artifact display
- Fixed issue with build generation not calculating advanced stats (like avg. atk)
- Editing artifacts automatically scrols to the editor