Releases: frzyc/genshin-optimizer
Releases · frzyc/genshin-optimizer
- Added EVERY weapon in the game, even some for 1.2.
- Full weapon editor, level presets, ascends, skills
- Enable/disable temporary weapon stats to see changes on character
- Shows raw damager of specific weapon damage skills
- Add "Misc Stats" to character page
- Replace unicode stars in artifact display with svgs
- Remove intermediary list that stores artfiact/character ids. It was "losing" items when they are still in storage.
- Reorder the titles of artifact display
- Update 5* crit rate mainstat values
- Added a home page.
- Overhaul of the character Editor to to use realistic stat values from each character for each milestone level/ascension
- Added character base stats for every existing character in 1.1
- Can override every stat for maximum customization
- Character stats are then fed into the calculations when generating builds
- When examining builds, can look at comparasion with currently equipped runes.
- Added tooltip explaining locking artifacts
- Remove unicode star indicaters, now Using fontawesome icons. Should remove weird symbol boxes.
- Refactoring code for new character stats.
- Added a simple FAQ to show how the numbers are calculated.
- Allow equipping/unequipping artifacts on characters.
- Deleting character unequips artifacts
- Will automatically swap equipped artifacts on both characters, if applicable.
- Fix equipping from the builds screen not updating.
- Calculating rolls on a substat will favor higher rolls for fewer number of rolls
- Scanning artifacts also scans for the Slot, which will add the right main stat 40% of the time automatically
- Adding/Scanning a new artifact automatically selectes the highest star/level
- Updated the scanning explaination with more relevant pictures
- Not allow adding a character without a name.
- Fix speeling errors
- Fix mainstat text in Builds to include % as needed.
1.2.1 fix character editor dropdown
- Fixes character editor weapon substat dropdown text