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F2Matrix is a linear algebra library for small matrices (of maximal size 8x8) in F2, i.e. the Galois field with two elements. It supports matrix addition (and therefore subtraction), multiplication, transposition, inversion and rank computation.

This library aims to provide high performance, an relies heavily on bit manipulation instructions. Particularly, it requires an x64, BMI2 capable processor (e.g. Intel Haswell or newer). This library is implemented by François Serre as a research project at Department of Computer Science at ETH Zurich, supervised by Markus Püschel.


Include the file matrix.hpp in your .cpp file, and turn on the flag allowing intrinsics on your compiler.

Creating and displaying a matrix

Matrices are represented using the structure Matrix. Template parameters mand n correspond repectively to the number of rows and columns. The value of a Matrix is stored as a 64 bits integer, in row major order, where the least significant bit is the upper left value of the matrix. Rows are always stored as 8 bits; matrices with less than 8 columns ignore the most significant bits of each row.

The method print can be used to display them:

Matrix<3,3> p(0x010101ULL); //creates a 3x3 matrix m with all bits on the left column set to 1
p.print(); //diplays this matrix

The method printTex outputs on an output stream the corresponding TeX text (for better visualisation).

Addition and multiplication

Addition and multiplication of matrices can be performed using the corresponding C++ operator:

Matrix<3,3> q(0x010204ULL); //creates a 3x3 matrix m with all bits on the inverse diagonal set to 1
(p + q).print(); //Addition of two matrices
Matrix<3,5> r(0x150A1FULL); //creates a 3x5 matrix
(q * r).print(); //Multiplication of two matrices


The rank of a matrix can be computed using the method rk:

std::cout << q.rk() << std::endl; //Rank of the matrix q

For improved performance in the case of small matrices, ranks can be precomputed by calling the function preCompRanks once, and then uncommenting the line

#include "ranks.hpp"

Matrix inversion and transposition

These operations can be performed using the (non destructive) methods transpose and inverse. In the case where the matrix is singular, the method inverse returns a zero filled matrix.


A submatrix can be extracted using the method getSubMatrix<i,j,h,w>(), where i and j are the coordinates of the upper left corner of the submatrix, and h and w the size of the submatrix.


Linear algebra library for matrices in F2






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