- Daniel Ehlers [email protected]
This module tries to automate the configuration of a FFNord Freifunk Gateway. The idea is to implement the step-by-step guide on http://wiki.freifunk.net/Freifunk_Hamburg/Gateway with multi community support and almost all other FFNord tools.
Basically this is a complete rewrite of the puppet scripts provided by the Freifunk Hamburg Community.
The 'ffnord::mesh' block will setup a bridge, fastd, batman, ntp, dhcpd, dns (bind9), radvd, bird6 and firewall rules vor IPv4 and IPv6. There are types for setting up monitoring, icvpn, anonymous vpn and alfred announcements.
- As usual, you should have configure the fully qualified domain name (fqdn) before running
this module, you can check this with
hostname -f
. - The configured dns server only provides support for the root zone. Custom tlds are currently not supported.
- Bird6 must be reconfigured after a puppet run, otherwise the icvpn protocols are not available
- When touching the network devices on a rerun
should be restarted.
- Bird IPv4 Route exchange
- Apply firewall rules automatially, when all rules are defined.
Install as a puppet module, then include with node-specific parameters.
Install Puppet and some required modules with:
apt-get install --no-install-recommends puppet git apt-transport-https
puppet module install puppetlabs-stdlib
puppet module install puppetlabs-apt --version 1.5.1
puppet module install puppetlabs-vcsrepo --version 1.3.2
puppet module install saz-sudo
puppet module install torrancew-account
Then add this module (which is not in the puppet forge, so it has to be downloaded manually):
cd /etc/puppet/modules
git clone https://github.com/ffnord/ffnord-puppet-gateway ffnord
Now include the module in your manifest and provide all parameters. Basically there is one type for mesh network, which pulls in all the magic and classes for the icvpn connection, monitoring and anonymous vpn uplink.
Please make sure that the content of your fastd key-file looks like this:
secret "**************************";
The stars are replaced by your privat fastd key
Example puppet code (save e.g. as /root/gateway.pp
# Global parameters for this host
class {
router_id => "", # The id of this router, probably the ipv4 address
# of the mesh device of the providing community
icvpn_as => "65035", # The as of the providing community
wan_devices => ['eth0'], # A array of devices which should be in the wan zone
wmem_default => 87380, # Define the default socket send buffer
wmem_max => 12582912, # Define the maximum socket send buffer
rmem_default => 87380, # Define the default socket recv buffer
rmem_max => 12582912, # Define the maximum socket recv buffer
max_backlog => 5000, # Define the maximum packages in buffer
# You can repeat this mesh block for every community you support
ffnord::mesh {
mesh_name => "Freifunk Gotham City",
mesh_code => "ffgc",
mesh_as => 65035,
mesh_mac => "de:ad:be:ef:de:ad",
vpn_mac => "de:ad:be:ff:de:ad",
mesh_ipv6 => "fd35:f308:a922::ff00/64",
mesh_ipv4 => "",
mesh_mtu => "1280",
range_ipv4 => "",
mesh_peerings => "/root/mesh_peerings.yaml",
fastd_secret => "/root/fastd_secret.key",
fastd_port => 11280,
fastd_peers_git => 'git://somehost/peers.git',
dhcp_ranges => [ ''
, ''
, ''
, ''
, ''
dns_servers => [ ''
, ''
, ''
, ''
ffnord::named::zone {
'ffgc': zone_git => 'git://somehost/ffgc-zone.git';
ffnord::dhcpd::static {
'ffgc': static_git => 'git://somehost/ffgc-static.git';
class {
openvpn_server => "nl-7.hide.io",
openvpn_port => 3478,
openvpn_user => "wayne",
openvpn_password => "brucessecretpw",
ffnord::fastd {
mesh_code => "ffgc",
mesh_interface => "ffgc-old",
mesh_mac => "de:ad:be:ee:de:ad",
vpn_mac => "de:ad:be:fe:de:ad",
mesh_mtu => 1426,
fastd_secret => "/root/fastd_secret.conf",
fastd_port => 10000,
fastd_peers_git => '/vagrant/fastd/gc/'
ffnord::icvpn::setup {
icvpn_as => 65035,
icvpn_ipv4_address => "",
icvpn_ipv6_address => "fec0::a:cf:0:35",
icvpn_exclude_peerings => [gotham],
tinc_keyfile => "/root/tinc_rsa_key.priv"
class {
host => ''
class {
allowed_hosts => ''
class {
zabbixserver => "";
class { 'ffnord::alfred': master => true }
class { 'ffnord::etckeeper': }
# Useful packages
package {
ensure => installed;
ffnord :: mesh {
mesh_name, # Name of your community, e.g.: Freifunk Gotham City
mesh_code, # Code of your community, e.g.: ffgc
mesh_as, # AS of your community
mesh_mac, # mac address mesh device: 52:54:00:bd:e6:d4
vpn_mac, # mac address vpn device, ideally != mesh_mac and unique
mesh_ipv6, # ipv6 address of mesh device in cidr notation, e.g.
mesh_mtu, # mtu used, default only suitable for fastd via ipv4
range_ipv4, # ipv4 range allocated to community, this might be different to
# the one used in the mesh in cidr notation, e.g.
mesh_ipv4, # ipv4 address of mesh device in cidr notation, e.g. fd35:f308:a922::ff00/64
mesh_peerings, # path to the local peerings description yaml file
fastd_secret, # fastd secret
fastd_port, # fastd port
fastd_peers_git, # fastd peers repository
dhcp_ranges = [], # dhcp pool
dns_servers = [], # other dns servers in your network
This type enables you to receive a zone file from a git repository, include it into the named configuration and setup a cron job for pulling changes in. By default the cronjob will pull every 30min.
The provided configuration should not rely on relative path but use the absolute path prefixed with '/etc/bind/zones/${name}/'.
ffnord::named::zone {
zone_git; # zone file repo
This type enables you to receive a file with static dhcp assignments from a git repository, include it into the dhcp configuration and setup a cron job for pulling changes in. By default the cronjob will pull every 30min.
The provided configuration should not rely on relative path but use the absolute path prefixed with '/etc/dhcp/statics/${name}/'. The name should be the same as the community the static assignments belong to. There has to be a file named static.conf in the repo.
ffnord::dhcpd::static {
static_git; # dhcp static file repo
ffnord :: icvpn::setup {
icvpn_as, # AS of the community peering
icvpn_ipv4_address, # transfer network IPv4 address
icvpn_ipv6_address, # transfer network IPv6 address
icvpn_peerings = [], # Lists of icvpn names
tinc_keyfile, # Private Key for tinc
This is a module for an IPv4 Uplink via GRE tunnel and BGP. This module and the VPN module are mutually exclusive. Define the ffnord::uplink::ip class once and ffnord::uplink::tunnel for each tunnel you want to use. See http://wiki.freifunk.net/Freifunk_Hamburg/IPv4Uplink for a more detailed description.
class {
nat_network, # network of IPv4 addresses usable for NAT
tunnel_network, # network of tunnel IPs to exclude from NAT
ffnord::uplink::tunnel {
local_public_ip, # local public IPv4 of this gateway
remote_public_ip, # remote public IPv4 of the tunnel endpoint
local_ipv4, # tunnel IPv4 on our side
remote_ip, # tunnel IPv4 on the remote side
remote_as, # ASN of the BGP server announcing a default route for you
Be aware that currently the own system mesh address will not be filtered.
ipv4: ""
ipv6: "fd35:f308:a922::ff01"
ipv4: ""
ipv6: "fd35:f308:a922::ff02"
ipv4: ""
ipv6: "fd35:f308:a922::ff03"
ipv4: ""
ipv6: "fd35:f308:a922::ff04"
The firewall rules created are collected in /etc/iptables.d
, they are not applied
automatically! You have to call build-firewall
to apply them.
To apply the puppet manifest (e.g. saved as /root/gateway.pp
) run:
puppet apply --verbose /root/gateway.pp
The verbose flag is optional and shows all changes. To be even more catious you can
also add the --noop
flag to only show changes but not apply them.
This should be run best inside a screen
To run puppet again, you have to ensure that old fastd-configurations are deleted before you start:
rm -Rf /etc/fastd/
puppet apply --verbose /root/gateway.pp
To allow administrative operations on a gateway without harming user connections you should bring the gateway into maintenance mode:
maintenance on
This will deactivate the gateway feature of batman in the next run of check-gateway (cronjob every minute). And after DHCP-Lease-Time (usually one hour) there should be no user device left with a default route to the gateway.
To deactivate maintenance mode and reactivate the batman-adv gateway feature:
maintenance off
check with
maintenance status
For debugging purposes we utilize the status socket of fastd using a little
helper script called fastd-query
, which itself is a wrapper around socat
and jq
. An alias fastd-query-${mesh_code}
is created for every
mesh network. For example you can retrieve the status for some node, where
the node name is equivalent to the peers filename:
# fastd-query-ffgc peers name gc-gw0