Software Engineering Graduate from Holberton School
“First solve the problem, then write the code.” - John Johnson
╔══╡ root:~$ whoami ║════════▣▣▣ ║ ║ ▰ Software Engineer with a Specialization in Backend ║ ▰ Software Engineering Student at JIT ║ ▰ Proudly from Addis, Ethiopia ║ ▰ Passionate about Engineering, coding, learning, and teaching ║ ▰ Interested in Automation, DevOps, low-level Programming and Netwroking ║ ╚═══════════════════════════════▣▣▣ ╔══╡ root:~$ echo $SKILLS ║════════▣▣▣ ║ ║ ▰ Bash, Bash Scripting, Linux ║ ▰ Vagrant, WSL, Git, Docker ║ ▰ C/C++, Python ║ ▰ MySQL, SQLAlchemy, SQLModel, PostgreSQL, NoSQL, MongoDB, Redis ║ ▰ Flask, ExpressJs, ReactJs ║ ╚═══════════════════════════════════════▣▣▣ ╔══╡ root:~$ echo $SOCIALS ║════════▣▣▣ ║ ║ ▰ Medium ║ ▰ Twitter ║ ▰ Email: [email protected] ║ ╚═══════════════════════════════════════▣▣▣ ╔══╡ root:~$ ls ~/ALX(Holberton) ║══════▣▣▣ ║ ║ ▰ Printf ║ ▰ Simple Shell ║ ▰ Monty Interpreter ║ ▰ AirBnB Clone v1 ║ ▰ AirBnB Clone v2 ║ ▰ AirBnB Clone v3 ║ ▰ AirBnB Clone v4 ║ ╚═══════════════════════════════▣▣▣ ╔══╡ root:~$ ls ~/Projects ║══════▣▣▣ ║ ║ ▰ craftSpot ║ ▰ file-Manager(Auth, Node.js, MongoDB, Redis, Pagination & Background Jobs) ║ ▰ matar(Trip Management Platform) ║ ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════▣▣▣