tested with Python 3.12
If you do not have pipenv install it first.
$ pip install pipenv
To install requirements, run commands in project folder:
$ pipenv shell
$ pipenv install
Copy credentails.yaml.example to credentails.yaml Edit it and fill aws key+secret details. Your AWS user needs to have IAM rights to read pricing.
$ python awsEC2pricing.py -t 8 32
Records are up-to-date
vCPU: 8.00
RAM: 32.00
OS: Linux
Region: US East (N. Virginia)
Instance vCPU RAM OS PriceH PriceM SpotH SpotM KillRate
t3a.2xlarge 8.00 32.00 Linux 0.30080 216.57600 0.10610 76.39200 <5%
m6g.2xlarge 8.00 32.00 Linux 0.30800 221.76000 0.00000 0.00000
t3.2xlarge 8.00 32.00 Linux 0.33280 239.61600 0.16100 115.92000 <5%
m5a.2xlarge 8.00 32.00 Linux 0.34400 247.68000 0.20950 150.84000 15-20%
t2.2xlarge 8.00 32.00 Linux 0.37120 267.26400 0.11850 85.32000 >20%
m5.2xlarge 8.00 32.00 Linux 0.38400 276.48000 0.19390 139.60800 5-10%
$ python awsEC2pricing.py -h
Sample command:
$ python awsEC2pricing.py -t 1 16 Windows 'US East (N. Virginia)'
-t --> run in terminal
1 --> vCPU
16 --> RAM
Windows --> OS
'US East (N. Virginia)' --> Region
rename credentials.yaml.example to credentials.yaml and fill your aws key and secret
your user in AWS needs rights for reading price
US East (N. Virginia)
EU (Ireland)
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)
Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
Asia Pacific (Osaka - Local)
Asia Pacific (Seoul)
Asia Pacific (Singapore)
Asia Pacific (Sydney)
Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
EU (Frankfurt)
EU (London)
EU (Paris)
EU (Stockholm)
Middle East (Bahrain)
South America (Sao Paulo)
US East (Ohio)
US West (Los Angeles)
US West (N. California)
US West (Oregon)
- preInstalledSw: NA
- storage: EBS only
- productFamily: Compute Instance
- termType: OnDemand
- licenseModel: No License
- requiredcapacitystatus: Used