This package will load any php content and use php to turn it into a html page.
npm install php-loader
var fileContent = require("php!./file.php");
// => run file.php with php and return it as some content (html for example)
It can also be used inside the webpack configuration file (webpack.js):
module.exports = {
module: {
loaders: [
test: /\.php$/,
loaders: [
Here is a list of the available configuration options:
- proxy: set the name of a proxy script to be used as a loader for the resource
- args: list of string to be added as arguments to the proxy (or php) script
- dependancies: list of glob pattern of files on which the resource depend
- debug: add depandancies as html comment in the output (this will modify the output of the php script, and can lead to invalid results)
example usage:
loaders: [
'php-loader?' + JSON.stringify({
proxy: 'router.php',
args: [ '--arg1=no' ],
dependancies: [
__dirname + '/www/api/v1.0/app/**/*.php',
__dirname + '/www/templates/**/*.php'
debug: true
In this case, the command to be executed by php-loader to get the file 'resource.php' will be:
php router.php --arg1=no resource.php