This module helps you get the source URLs of the media that is added to the JW Player in the page/iframes using node.js
This module can be installed via npm:
$ npm install --save jwplayer-scraper
var scraper = require("jwplayer-scraper");
- URL: URL of the page that needs to be scraped
- options (optional): For now, this can only contain an object with the 'jwplayerFilename' key. If it's not set, it will try to automatically locate the jwplayer.js file. (This is experimental)
var scraper = require("jwplayer-scraper");
(async function() {
var sources = await scraper.getMediaSources(
jwplayerFilename: "jwplayer.6.11.js"
or if you want to use it with .then() instead of async/await:
var scraper = require("jwplayer-scraper");
.then(sources => {